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"Dad?" I blinked, confusion rattling my brain enough that the tears stopped threatening to spill.

"Liana." He replied, staring back down at me. I stepped back, looking him over. He was carrying a brief case and dressed in a suit. Did someone die?

"How did you..." Multiple questions colluded by brain all at once, why? How? When? He sighed, as if reading my mind.

"The school contacted me, informing me you had left for the break on personal...endeavors." He raised an eyebrow, trying to catch me on the defensive. I only shrugged, waiting for him to continue. "They told me you had signed a release for yourself, saying you were staying at a friend's house over the holiday."

I did remember having to sign a form to leave the school, but I didn't think much of it at the time. We were in such a rush to get to Val it didn't cross my mind that they would have to call my guardian, or that he would care really.

"So, I called the owner of the residence you put on the paper you were staying at and Mrs. Clark informed me you were indeed here and that I was free to pick you up." He continued, staring into the house behind me. I looked over my shoulder to find Mrs. Clark and Val standing there. Mrs. Clark looking rather apologetic, while Val had the glare of the century plastered across her face.

"I'm-" Mrs. Clark started, but I cut her off.

"It's okay." I smiled. It seems the pancakes this morning weren't just for Andy's last day here. "Let's go inside, we're letting all the cold air in." I tried to usher them all inside, but my father stayed put.

"I'd rather not really, we need to go." He stated, his feet planted, and his no nonsense frown plastered across his face. I scoffed silently.


"Yes, 'we' " He mocked me. "Grab your things, there is a taxi waiting."

"I never said I was going to leave with you!" Disbelief and my already high emotions over taking me. "I'm spending the Holiday with the Clark's" Since you refuse to spend them with me.

"I never said you weren't, but I have some things I need to deal with that require your presence. Come along now." He spoke to me as if I was a child in need of discipline.

I huffed angrily, but knowing I couldn't refuse him, stomped into the house to grab my things. Not caring if it really did make me seem like a child.

Who was he to think he could turn up without any warning and pretend to care about my whereabouts?

I grabbed my backpack and stuffed my clothes inside; I hadn't brought much so there wasn't that much to re pack. I heard a shuffling coming from by the door.

"You don't have to keep staring over me like that you know." I mumbled, wiping a frustrated tear from my face.

"Are you okay?" Val asks, watching me stuff my backpack angrily.

"Splendid." I grumble, standing up. I walk to the door and try to push past her, but she only stands in my way making me look at her. I sigh. "I'm sorry, look; I have to go, okay? But I'll be back, keep my floor mat warm for me." I grin and this time run past her.

Snow is falling outside, and I pull my hood up. Wrapping my wool scarf tighter and walk out the door, I can see the black car that my dad called a "taxi". More like a chauffeur service.

The passenger seat door is already open, and I slip inside, throwing my backpack on the floor.

"So. Now that you've officially kidnapped me, where are we going." I slump in the seat, folding my arms above the seatbelt.

My father tsks, "Liana, Liana. Always the one with the sharp tongue." I roll my eyes and the car takes off down the road.

"Get to the point, Father." I pick at an invisible piece of lint on my jacket, while my knee bounces up and down at the speed of light.

He stares at me, assessing the situation. Much like he asses his clients before a hearing.

"Don't Lawyer me, I'm not one of your cases." I sneer, putting a hand on my leg to stop the bouncing. 

"I'm not..." He sighs, putting his head in his hands. "I see you're not in the right mind for a conversation right now, we'll talk at the hotel."

I snort. "Okay." I turn away from him, making a point of having my back facing him and staring out the window.

The trees roll by and the small houses that have become familiar in these last few days. I can't help but wondering what my dad wants from me, and I'm fighting the urge to ask, but it would be awkward now that I made a show of not wanting to speak to him.

Why come all the way to Europe? Surely it can't just be for me. Maybe he had a business trip, or possibly a trip he's treating himself to for the holidays?

Well, whatever it is I don't what to know.

I just wished he would speak up and tell me what going on, the suspense is starting to kill me.

Dads hotel looked glamorous. It had large marble pillars, decorated for the holidays with wreaths and lights. He got out, already striding ahead.
"Thank you." I spit out quickly to the driver, hurrying out of the vehicle. Dad made a point of not waiting for me, and it felt so oddly familiar and yet foreign at the same time. 

The girls always made a point of walking at the same pace, waiting for me or someone else when they fell behind. Never had we purposely left the other behind... but dad was.

He slowed down, looking back at me.

"Liana, pick up the pace." He gruffed, seeming to realize his habit. He almost sounded nervous. What was he nervous about?

I raised an eyebrow, deliberately not speeding up. If he was gonna rush ahead of me then he could wait for me to catch up. 

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