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TW: Suicide

It felt nice to go out with Lucas. I had missed him, a lot more than I had ever thought I could. I was running around the greenhouse, throwing dirt at him and sniffing everything could. I also pushed Lucas's face into a lily garden and he got pollen stuck to his nose! He looked so funny!

"Andy I'm going to catch you!" Lucas shouted, his footsteps clapping against the concrete pathways. I giggled, spinning around and grinning as we ran!

"Good luck! No one catches me!" I replied, my legs starting to burn as I started running faster. I was out of the perennial section and in the aquatic plant section. My jeans tightened around my legs as I crouched down behind a planter, hiding from Lucas.

"I got you bitch!" Lucas hissed, pulling me onto him and making me scream. My legs flailed in the air as I squirmed, trying to escape but also not fall.

"Let go of me!" I giggled, feeling the tickling of a memory in the back of my mind.

"Lucas let me go!"

"Haha nope never!" Lucas chuckled, hugging me from behind with a happy sigh.

"You can't leave us too Boo!"

I sighed as well, relaxing and feeling happy to be with him. It's funny.. neither of us would be here without the other.

"Lucas?...Oh my god.. Lucas! No no no! Stay calm Andrea.. keep a towel over the cut and call an ambulance and then Dad."

The chips I were eating tasted a little too salty, so I threw it at Lucas's face with a pinched face. Lucas scoffed, taking a bite out of the chip with spitefully before his face scrunched up as well.

"Boo! That French fry tasted so salty, what the hell?" He groaned, taking a sip of his soda. I shrugged, adjusting my hoodie from slipping off my shoulder.

"It's called a chip bitch boy." I corrected, taking a handful of the less salty chips. Lucas stuck out his tongue, waving a metaphorical American flag with one hand over his heart.

"OH SAY CAN YOU SEE!-" he began to screech loudly, making the other patrons turn and glare at him. I swatted at his shoulder, trying to get him to shut up.

"Bitch if you don't shut up I will find something to slap you with!" I warned, already preparing to pretend I don't know him. He grinned, fixing his posture and taking in a loud breathe to continue singing.

"You act like Tía Maya too much Boo." Lucas sighed, taking a loud and obvious swig of his beer. I swatted his shoulder again.

"Yeah, yeah... Hey! A pretty they/them!" I shout to him, grabbing the rest of his beer and taking a large gulp. Lucas whirled around, looking for the alleged they/them and then spun back around with an irritated glare.

"That was mean." Lucas grumbled, going to take a sip of his beer.

"You're gullible." I replied with a light shrug.

"Did you drink my beer minor?" He glared, pushing his cup forward to be refilled later.



"Stop cursing me out in Spanish dickhead." I hissed, considering just pulling off my boot and smacking him with that rather than a slipper.

"Cunt." He shrugged, running out of insults.

"Seriously, Portuguese? Pussyhole."

"I'm allergic to pussy."

"I can confidently say I eat ass." I grinned, taking another gulp of his beer before he grabbed some. This time he swatted my shoulder.

"You're going to get me in trouble with dad." Lucas groaned, taking a more dramatic sip of his drink.

"It's won't be the last time nor the first. Besides, we always find a way to save each other's asses." I teased, even though it was true. He pulled me out of the ocean and I saved him from bleeding out.

Lucas snorted, taking a final sip of his re-filled cup.

"Damn right little maggot." He huffed, leaving a few wads of cash on the counter next to it.

"Were you about to call me something else?" I asked, jabbing him in the side with my elbow.

"I get it, you're gay! I'm gay too my god. Get over yourself Andy, we're a whole family of gays." He huffed, jabbing me back with an annoyed look.


We went to a simple cathedral. There weren't many people in it but the doors were unlocked, presumably for confessions. Lucas and I weren't catholic but our mom was. She was very sweet regardless of her religion, I think it influenced her kindness as well.

A few people milled around, Lucas and I went to the altar, kneeling in front of it with our hands together. Moms body wasn't buried here- but this helped somewhat.

I tried to remember the smell of salt and incense at the cathedral dad would take us to sometimes. Even if you don't believe in it, they still have a very clear impact on the modern world. You never know what you'll learn.

Instead, I smelt snow, coffee and stale cloth. It tickled my nose a little. Lucas squeezed my hand as we both prayed and talked quietly to Mom.

"Hey mom, I miss you still- a lot actually. There's not anyone that can replace you, or your place in my heart. I want you to know that; because I'm finally getting better. There's actually this person I like a lot, but I don't know it'll work out. Ever." I whispered, going in and out of speech and thought. The room felt warmer, and I felt slightly hugged by the breeze. It smelt like sunflowers and honey.

Lucas squeezed my hand again, letting go as he got up in case I wasn't ready.

"You ready to go boo?" He asked, wrapping his hoodie closer around him like it wasn't 100 degrees in here. I nodded, gripping his hand again as we left. The presumed pope smiled at us, waving goodbye in silk robes.

"I think I should head back soon. I'll have a couple assignments to make up no doubt." I said, hailing a taxi. Lucas waited for me to get back inside the school before leaving for the train station back to Borrows. In the end I felt better than I had at the start of the day, I was still sad but it wasn't quite so... full. It felt like I had opened up the dam holding back the floodwaters. The floodwaters being my depression, sadness and overwhelming anxiety. I had accepted what made me, me and worked around it.

Not that my professors would care.

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