Then What?

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The looks people gave me in the hallway, were ten thousand times worse then the ones they gave me when Ryder and I broke up. Every time I looked up, someone was there to give me a sympathetic sad look. Even the people I had never talked to before brought it upon themselves to make me look like a weak dumb ass. 

"I wish you had made sure you were ready before coming back." Kitty announced, opening her locker. 

"I spent a week at home, if I let myself get even more depressed it's not going to be good. Besides, Student Council Elections are starting Thursday, and we need Glee Club back to rehearse for Sectionals. We won't even have a chance against Vocal Adrenaline and the Warblers if we haven't had enough practice, then there's the matter of finding new members. We've already got you, Jake, Ryder, Bianca and I. That's five we still need 7 members to even be registered." 

"You need to chill. You're totally going to make Class President, then Principal Sylvester can't not give back Glee Club, not after the stuff you've been through." 

I furrowed my eyebrows, "I don't want her to give us back Glee Club just because my mom died." 

Kitty's eyes widened. "Oh god. I didn't mean it like that." 

"Then how did you mean it?" I questioned, walking down the hall to our class. 

"Okay, maybe that's sort of how I meant it." 

"That's what I thought." 

Kitty wrapped her arm around my shoulders. "Look, you've been through alot of shit these past few months, and you know I'm here for you." 

"I know." 


"What do you think of these?" I asked Jake, unrolling the poster. 

He pondered it for a minute. "I think they're perfect." 

"Really? You promise?"

"Yes. I promise that I think they are perfect." 

"Then will you be my running-mate?" I requested. Rolling the poster back up and grabbing another one. "Because I made these poster's and I think you may really like them." 

"Show me the poster, then I'll give you my answer." I unrolled the poster, on it, was a picture of Jake and I with our fingers pointed at the camera. We want you, to vote for us, Scarlet Angus for President and Jacob Puckerman for Vice-President. "You know what. I'll do it." 


"Yeah, I could always use another thing to put on my college applications. In fact, I need something to put on there." He laughed, taking the poster out of my hands. "I didn't know you were so good with Photoshop." 

Save a Dance For Me. (Sequel to Love Suicide, a Ryder Lynn Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now