And He Did.

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Sure, when we performed with the football guys we thought something would've changed, but I guess I'll settle for not getting slushied every morning.

"You look good not covered in red dye number 4." Bianca chuckled, swinging her hand, that was clasped in Jake's. 

I flipped her pony-tail and laughed. "So do you guys. I like this." I motioned towards their hands and skipped into the choir room. 

"EVERYBODY SIT DOWN!" Finn shouted running into the room. "Okay I don't have a lot of time because I've gotta get to school, but I will be back for 4pm rehearsals. But here in my hand." He raised his hand over his head and waved the paper around. "Our competition for Sectionals!" 

My eyes widened and a slapped my hand against my leg. "Who is it!?!" 

Finn opened the letter. "DRUM ROLL!" I smacked Jake's shoulders. "Oh dear god no." 

"Oh dear god no what?" Rachel cried. Snatching the letter out of his hand. "The Warblers and Vocal Adrenaline." 

Every single hope I had about claiming that nationals trophy was gone. All the work, the tears everything it all felt so meaningless, but if anyone was going to give all our new members hope, I thought it was going to have to be me.

"Who are these Warblers?" Madison asked. I stood up and faced all my fellow members. 

"They are the people we're going to beat at sectionals." I announced. "Same with Vocal Adrenaline. We have a dream team this year, and I'm not going to let us lose. You don't have to believe in yourselves, because I believe in you." 

Finn patted me on the back. "Absolutely. Now, I suggest we get started on our set list!" 

The Club erupted in cheer and sounds of clapping hands. 

"Let's get started!" 


With every step Ryder winced. 

"My feet have never hurt this much." He sighed pulling out my desk chair and lower himself into it.

I snorted and pulled out my textbooks. "Talk to me when your feet look like mine." 

Ryder kicked off his shoes and peeled off his socks throwing them over by my bed. "Touche." 

I scrunched my nose up and kicked the shoe's further away. "Those are disgusting. Did something die in them?" 

"No, don't mock my shoe's. I love them." Ryder remarked in fake hurt. "Now, let's get started on the French Revolution!" 

Save a Dance For Me. (Sequel to Love Suicide, a Ryder Lynn Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now