Rory My Future Ghost.

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I'm so cold. 

The car door broke open and hands reached in, pulling my body out. A figure lurked over me, flashing a light into my open eyes. 

"Miss? Can you hear me?" He asked. 

I wanted to answer him, but I couldn't. I couldn't move, I could hardly breathe. 

"Miss, if you can hear me blink your eyes." Finally something I could do. I flicked my eyelids down twice. "We're taking you and the other lady that was in the car with you to the hospital. You've-" He rambled on and on about what happened, but I wasn't listening. In fact, I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. "We're loosing her!" 

I'm so cold. 


Ryder's P.O.V.

"Ryder wake up!" My mum shouted, shaking my shoulder and holding out the phone. "Someone needs to talk to you. It's very important." 

I took the phone from her, yawn before putting it to my face. "Hello?" 

"Yes is this Ryder Lynn?" A women asked. 

"Yeah, it's-" I looked at the clock on my bedside table. "It's 2 in the morning, can I help you?" 

"There was an accident involving a miss Scarlet Angus and her Mother Katrina Angus-Marlos, we asked Miss Angus-Marlos's domestic partner Melody Angus who else she would like us to call. We were given your name and contact information." 

I gaped. "A-an accident?" 

"Yes, it was a car accident on the highway, involving several cars. Both women have suffered serious head-trauma, and broken limbs." 

"Will, um, will they be alright?" I whispered, suddenly my mouth was very dry. "Will Scarlet be alright?" 

"Yes, miss Angus should wake up in a few days, 3 weeks at most. We had to put her into a medical induced-coma. Her mother on the other hand, had been unconscious since the crash. Her injuries were far worse then that of her daughters, it'll be a miracle if she does wake up." 

"Thanks for calling." I gasped, clicking the phone off and quickly putting pants on, then a shirt and my car keys. 

"Honey?" My mum called, as I ran down the stairs. "What happened?" 

"Scarlet was in an accident. It's bad and I'm going to the hospital." I answered, opening the front door. 

My mom gasped, "Is she alright? Do you need me to go with you?" 

I shook my head. "I'll call from the hospital." 

Save a Dance For Me. (Sequel to Love Suicide, a Ryder Lynn Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now