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After a set of pods fell to Coruscant, and would only repeat the messages "Deliver to Jedi Temple" and "Deliver to Senate", after some security precautions, they did. One was placed in an observation room, the other was brought to a Hall in the Temple. They were both watched, until a holographic being, dressed in long pants, a shirt held closed by buttons and wore boots appeared by a holographic projector from the pod in the senate.

"Excuse me, I have been a few messages, actually they're data packs I need to deliver your leader. It's just easier if I explain it to them." the hologram said.

The Jedi were met by a similar Hologram, though, when they found theirs, it had materialized for a while, and was a woman, in robes and armor of sorts, with a short sword, practicing sword strike techniques against an invisible enemy.

"About time someone got here. I was starting to think I was in storage. I got some information i am to give you profligates." the hologram said.

The CIS Council was getting a signal from a ship, as a holographic image of a man in a black suit, slicked back hair and a calm expression looked around, putting a golf club (yes, golf is in star wars)

"These are them? Well, might as well start this deal off right, I got some information i've been told by the higher ups to hand out, listen carefully, I don't like repeating myself." the man said, the golf club vanished and he snapped, a set of screens popped up in the parliament building.

Mandalore had found the pod, thinking it was an old satellite that crashed, only to find a woman in a blue jumpsuit with a fur cape sitting on it.

"Hey, bring me to your leader. I got stuff." the woman said, not climbing off the pod.

"After it was a sure thing that america could wipe out a city with just one bomb, a scientist turned to father and said "science has now known sin" and and you know what father said "What is sin?"

The group of Jedi watched, the council and other important knights gathered in a large room, a holographic screen projected the phrase up in basic. It was.....disturbing, how they had not thought about their new reality in this way. The clone wars were a month old, and many a jedi had seen many a horror, as they have had to level cities to fight the enemy they faced.

The Senators of the Republic also considered the meaning, and the implications that were held by this quote, begin the first lines of the message. They were sitting in the Chancellor's office, Padme, Bail, Riyo Chuchi, Orn Free Taa, Mon Mothma and a few others sat in the Senator's office.

The Parliament of the CIS were in a more quiet contemplation, the information must be understood in full before judgement could be given. Several Admirals watched the Parelement as they were not busy with fighting, and it would be interesting to see.

Satine on the other hand, knew what it was like, she only had to look out at the sin they once knew oh to well.  It was something Mandalore, the planet, and her people knew well.

In the Early 20th Century, the great powers of the old world thought that their rule would never end. The Czars of Russia met their downfall at the hands of a bloody Revolution. Western Europe fought a great War against Fascists who sought to build a Reich that would last a thousand years. It crumbled in less than a decade. The Japanese Believed their Imperial Rule was eternal, yet they were the first to have their pride seared away by atomic fire.

*Footage of men marching in uniforms, holding flags goes by, followed my men with weapons, showing large formations of men, and then cuts to men storming a building in a battlefield like area. Shows buildinging collapsing and a man on horse back, before a fly over of a ruined city*

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