Point Look Out

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Ruby was sitting at a desk, a small droid projecting her form as she looked over files she carried in her storage. She was trying to solve a simple question that was asked of her by Belloma of all people.

"If the Jedi fractured, how many of the clones would follow their commanders, and how many would remain loyal to the Republic?"

Now Ruby was going over personnel files, comparing them to the Jedi General records, it was a mess, but she did have a feeling that it was likely that some of the more....charismatic and personal jedi would have stronger loyal bonds that would override the loyalty to the Republic.

"Shaak Ti is a mother to them, so that's obvious they'd follow her in decent amounts. Skywalker nearly caused a rebellion in the 501st Veterans, the 212th are good as gone if Kenobi leads. That also would probably be the case for others." She commented.

The Door opened and Chuchi walked in, she looked tired.

"So, was there ever a point you'd tell us you'd be in the Sim?" Chuchi asked.

"I just transposed my avatar into the simulation, redid the voice lines, anything actually said was recorded and preprogramed, so...I wasn't there in any large capacity, other than a note in the code. What's your opinion on General Plo Koon?" Ruby asked.

"Popular, good pilot, known for compassion." Chuchi explained.

"That's number 12......hmmmmm, yeah, the Jedi would take a few good units if they left while the war is active." Ruby said.

"What does that mean?" Chuchi asked, as she saw Ruby put a list in a letter and it vanished.

"Just something Belloma and I are.....debating, she's also wanting to restrategize the battle of Hoover Dam, see if she can out wit me. I can't repeat the strategy, she'd see it coming." Ruby said.

"Have explosives near the road, once the bulk is across, blow the ridge, seal off the road and gun them down at boulder city, you could probably take the dam back after they lost their advanced guard." Chuchi said.

"Probably." Ruby said, nodding.

Chuchi soon stops herself from sitting down at her desk as she slowly raises her hand towards her head and soon says "what...what did i just...i never." Only for her to look at Ruby as she asks "the sim did more then just give us a taste of the resource wars didnt it?"

"It would seem to be the case." Ruby said, before a letter arrived, showing a photo of Belloma sticking her tongue out as she gave what her orders were "The Legionaries would march with shields raised in a testudo formation, while frumenatii would should through the openings that would form as they advanced. until they reached the NCR side of the Dam." 

"Hmmm, interesting tactic." Ruby said, setting that letter down. 

"Now, why did you come here to talk to me?" She asked.

Chuchi looks at Ruby as she asks probably one of the most important questions. "Can we arrest Belloma?"

"Depends on the charge and if she actually committed them. From our current data, Belloma is still on earth, possibly dead, possibly alive, we haven't seen any evidence that the A.I. Belloma is all that is left of her. So....unless she committed a crime after her arrival, she is in your legal code. Free." Ruby explained. 

 "Why?" She asked.

Chuchi groans as she runs a hand down her face "its just. I cant stand the idea of one of the legion being here in the capital of the republic."

"Well, as Milo said, he's Enclave, I'm ncr, and Hope, she's on mandalore, and she's from a vault. I think there might be others, we had data channels that were.....connected by unoccupied in our interconnected server. Belloma is also everything the legion hated. 1. A woman in power 2. A traitor to her people 3. someone who uses trickery instead of a direct confrontation and 4. she technically is a tribal." Ruby said.

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