Political Discussion

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Dooku was sitting in the chamber, meditating. With everything he had learned, both from his Master, how the Jedi and the Senate were also learning much of the same information they had. He had dwelled on what he had learned about. The Enclave, were a reflection, it was...disturbing in a way how many similarities that shared with the Enclave.Dooku shook his head, standing up, he left the chambers, and was met by Ventress, his assassin.

"My Master, news of Gunray's capture has been announced. We can not allow him to be captured and taken deep into the Republic Territory" Ventress said.

Dooku stood there a moment stroking his beard in thought orders, "track Gunray's course, then plot to intercept and board the ship to liberate him from his bondage."

Upon entering a room, they were greeted by a hologram of Trench, and Grievous, who was in his ship, transmitting into the meeting. Dooku sitting down in his chair, looks at the holograms of Trench and Grievous. 

"Gentlemen, after the logs for which we have all viewed. I fear that the CIS is straying dangerously close to the lines for which the Enclave had crossed before their destruction. We must change the path for which we take or face the same fate as the Enclave." Interlocking his fingers, Dooku says. "I am open to suggestions."

"My recommendation would be a transfer from a focus of B1s, to the more effective B2s, as the basic infantry unit. The B1 is in my opinion, too cheaply made, too many flaws, we need a new system created. After that, I believe that we will need to remove the Council members as authorizes in their businesses, they will be advisors, not leaders." Trench said.

Dooku gives a nod to his Fleet admiral, "I agree, the B1s have served their purpose, so we shall focus on the B2s, however our biggest problem is one that the Enclave faced. Our actions and our image to the wider galaxy."

Ventress looked down and fingers rubbing over her lightsabers. 

 "My opinion is rather simple. There are Injustices in our space we have allowed to be permitted. We could, with some ease, turn our targets away from hospital stations, and civilian populations, become more willing to push the forces past planets, do not starve the people, turn that fiery fist, into a soft, accepting open hand." Ventress said, remembering...her days back, with slavers, and dealing with the battles around people.

Dooku looks at her surprised but then contemplated, "Yes. Yes this could work for our very well in the long term."

Grievous, slammed his fist into the arm rest, "How do you expect me to command my armies while I lead this war against the Jedi. They will not simply show themselves without bait." He said, before he began to cough.

Trench strokes his chin before saying, "What about volunteers ?" 

One of Dookus eye brow raised as he says in a interested tone. "What did you say Admiral ?"

"A force that uses machines will create this unfeeling mass. Our droids have an advantage in only in sheer Numbers. But the clones, they can inspire those to fight with them. We have organic commanders, but we need organic soldiers who will fight with the droid forces. Use droids to lead attacks, followed by those of true believers in the cause." Trench said, standing up, holding up his cane with his organic arm.

Dooku closed his eyes, thinking, remembering the NCR chapter and how they were able to beat the brotherhood with just sheer numbers of soldiers. Soldiers who were patriots to the cause, Then he remembered the days of the Sith empire where they had loyal soldiers who would fight to the death for the cause. 

Opening his eyes he nods to Trench as he said, "You bring up a good point Admiral, I leave it to you to begin a proposal to be presented to the Council to be voted on."

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