The Madre

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On Kimono the Director of the cloning facility was sitting down behind his desk as he prepares a response to the new committee, or in this case the 'Chairwoman', hitting record he spoke. 

"Dear Chairwoman

While I appreciate your forwardness and the fact of your introduction. I can assure you that MY facility is running well within regulation and within the ethical regulations. However if you so wish to run your little inspections then by all means do so. However I must ask that you don't get in the way of our work. 

Sincerely the Director." 

On Mandalore, Satine was preparing a plan, she would need Merrik here to provide some guidance, but, the mission to Terra, once uncovered, would be important and need strong Leadership. Satine smiled, 500 Rangers would be sent to terra, while the next group would go out and enforce law, in the systems who remained Neutral.

Vizsla was seen among those siting at the table looking through the list of items which has been cataloged so far, and the items that have been found below is staggering to say the least.

"So far we haven't found any star charts, but i have been assured that that any found shall be placed against our current knowledge of terra." He informed her while still typing away at his pipboy.

"That is correct, thanks to the Big MT and Zetan logs, we are lucky to have a partial map of the stars that can be seen from their planet. Any matching formations will be triangulated, but we can confirm, that they are in the Unknown regions." Merrik explained, as he cracked his knuckles, as he moved a pile of reports aside.

Bo just groans as her head is firmly planted on the table.

"Of course that's not accounting all the shit we found below us, HELL! We even found a massive warship from the days of when Revan was kicking. Which id like to go on record and state HOW THE HELL DID THAT GET PUT THERE!?"

Satine couldn't help but smile as she says, "Well, I can only hope that the NCR doesnt mind that we name our once lost ship after one of the many heros of boulder city." She says while taking a drink of her sas, "Speak of the ship, what is the ship that was found exactly?"

Meanwhile, across the galaxy, a pirate smiled, as two ships landed. He took a small pill and smiled, rubbing his hands together, before the ramps lowered, and outstepped his "potential" business partners. They had been kind enough to leave their contact codes for him to allow him to reach them, for the next installment of the info logs

Sugi and her crew were the first to get off the ship. While the Zabark still glared at the pirate, her companions simply followed her with a stoic way. "I really hope the reason you called us here with a create full of Prow is for your business plan with Earth and not for you to drink it all here." Sugi said with a annoyed look at her face.

"Wait, you brought drinks. We were asked to bring creates full of Nuna Legs." Boba shouted behind them with an even more annoyed Aura Sing.

"No, no no! They are for all of us. Come, we can drink and feast, we have a new log that pertains to our future venture, and I like it when my people are informed of their jobs." Hondo said, smiling.

The two female bounty hunter simply look at each other before following the pirate with death glares at the back of his skull.

Some of the pirates came to the ships and brought the Nuna legs and create of Prow into the base, before Hondo lead them into a chamber, where Hondo sat in a chair, in his lap sat a twi'lek dancer, who smiled as Darla showed up, sitting on the table with a suitcase in her lap.

"I hope you lot have a better control of your own impulses, cause well.....this might make you be a bit of a wild card when on earth." Darla explained. 

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