The Boomers/Vault 34

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Change, Change comes in all forms, From the time the pods emerged onto the galactic stage, the ripples of change were already beginning to splash against the shores of fate like a wave against the sands of a beach.

None felt the change more then those of Mandalore, once a faction on the verge of another civil war, now united under the banner of a united front, a front for a cause of slaying a Empire of Slavers who are fighting against a republic whos name Ranger they have taken upon themselves to carry out the ideals to the galaxy.

Of course that doesnt mean that their isnt any issues or hickups along the way, such as Satine who is currently sitting within the council chambers with her face buried into her hands as she groans at her sister Bo-Katan who is sitting back in a chair with her arms behind her head with a cocky grin. "And after I finished them off, the town happly joined us in exchange for further protection of the mando rangers."

Of course she was met by dead pan stares of Vizsla and Merrik.

"You know we had the report. All you did was shoot the 5 gangsters, stole their wallets, bought a new speeder, before the rest of the gang nearly destroyed the town trying to kill you, as you flew and killed them. The people joined cause I came and later said "We'd rebuild your town, because it was our fault." Merrik said, sliding a piece a paper over, "Here's your part of the bill." He added.

Bo just slowly looks at the bill before standing up as she yells, "WHAT THE HELL!?"

Satine sighs as she brings her face out of her hands, "my sister being an idiot aside." Which got a "HEY!" From Bo as Satine continues, "we do have actual work to do which includes making sure our friend is doing alright...speaking of which." She looks at Vizsla as she asks with a hint of concern in her voice, "how is she doing? Are the therapy sessions helping her coupe with what Vault Tec did to her?"

"Joy is still troubled. She doesn't have near suicidal, but any attempt to discuss what happened, is not going to discussed until a later point. I have had plenty of time to discuss everything I could. We just need to avoid the discussion of Vault tec." Vizsla said, looking at the group.

Satine nods before bringing her hands together, "the poor thing...what could have Vault Tec done to her Vault to give her such trauma. I almost fear what awaits our people when they go search the Vaults." Satine says with pure concern since she remembered the Vault Tec log, the ghoul vault still gave her nightmares as she shivers.

"The event that unlocked the memory was triggered after the mention of a society of human sacrifice. The number on her vault suit is 11, so that may point to what was the experiment." Merrik said, before standing up.

Satine sighs, "no matter, she is a friend of Mandalore and we as her friends shall help her though this pain." They got nods of agreement from everyone.

Before anymore could be said, the door opens as the person of the discussion came walking into the room, "well i got good news gu-" she stops as she looks at everyone as the atmosphere seem to be slightly depressing. " guys werent talking about me were ya?" 

Before Bo could answer, Satine instead jabs a thumb towards her sister as she says both truthfully and lying to Joy, "No Bo did somthing stupid again."

Joy smiled, as she walked in, before she sat in a chair.

"I got the next log. It finally unlocked." She said, tapping her pipboy on her arm and it extracted a holotape, that she threw on the table, and projected the next video into the air, Vizsla walked over and set his chair next to her, holding his hand out to offer it to her. She placed her hand "in" his, acting as if she could rub her thumb over her fingers, as she pulled her legs up, into her chest.

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