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Obi-wan was in deep thought. With everything that has happened, on Terra, he was surprised that there were still some pre-war scientists left, he should have expected it, but......Big Mountain was something completely different. Every bit of reason was all but lost to these people, they were monsters in all ways.

"This place could provide a very difficult challenge to overcome." He said.

"YOU THINK! An army of robots, the brainless, and what else those crackpots could come up with and make and did you see the size of those Cazadas?" Ahsoka shouted.

"Cazadores. They also happen to very very poisonous, and fast. Much like the Nightstalkers, I even heard some can turn invisible" Belloma stated, her arms crossed as she looked at Ahsoka.

Anakin to keep from losing his mind pop some mentats before handing them to Ashoka who also pop one into her mouth. "Ok, so its official. Big Mountain is to be contained, sweep, and if possible detain and arrest those brains." He said as a fact rather then a question or request.

"To be clear, the goals they had may have once been noble, however, to achieve those goals, they did the unthinkable. The information can save lives, but the think tank, they must be detained forever." Plo Koon said.

All present responded with a determined, "Agreed!" before Mace looks at Anakin and Ashoka, "What was that you both put in your mouths?"

"Headache medicine. I stopped by the med bay, had a bad head ache since Ryloth, and......those crazy bastards didn't help cure it one bit." Anakin said.

"Montrals are growing, along with my Lekku, mild headaches, it helps me focus if the pain is dulled." Ahsoka explained.

The masters just nod, as the Jedi contemplated the next moves for Terra, on Mandalore Bo was seen drinking her fourth or fifth cup of something very strong to deal with the log they just saw. "Dear sweet...i don't even have words! NONE!" Bo was many things, but stun to not even form a witty remark was a very rare thing to happen.

Merrik shook his head, as he had mixed a glass of Nuka Cola and Tihaar, and drank it. He passed the alcohol to Satine, who drank the triple distilled Tihaar, from the bottle.

"You know, I've seen what that does to a person when used as a fire bomb, your liver is going to be begging for death, unless you use a stimpack." Vizsla said.

Bo just gives him the bird which he chuckles as Satine tried to move onto hopefully a much more, brighter subject. "Well since we have time before the next one, is their any trouble from the current batch of recruits or cadets?" Vizsla shakes his head, "none from the cadets, infact we have many coming from the frontier trying to become rangers thanks to that Terra program and song." He chuckles, "even had a foundling declare that he would be THE lone ranger of Mandalore. It was rather adorable." He had a small smile on his face thinking back to that foundling.

Merrik shook his head.

"Well, the Twi'lek trainee, Pakripi, the big green one, she got a nickname by a lot of the other recruits and even some of the instructors. Adenn. Seems fitting, I haven't seen one hand to hand drill where the person she fought hasn't cried for their mother." He said.

Bo just groans as she double facepalms, "I have had her in my office three times over this one idiot who she planted in the ground trying his best to attempt, and let me make it clear here ATTEMPT! To court her and its getting on my nerves! Im half tempted to lock both of them in a room and let them either figure out their feelings or let her kill the love struck idiot!" Before her head finally meets the table and lets out a low groan.

"Oh my." Satine said, laughing behind her hand as she tried to hide her smiled.

Vizsla shook his head and rolled his eyes. He got up, moved over to her and pulled Bo up by an armor, pulling her back up and sitting up right, before activating the magnetic lock to her back, holding her to the chair, before he rolled the side of her suit up, and taking a Stimpack, then jabbing it into her side, attempting to sober her up quickly.

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