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"Ahsoka was possessed by a dark entity that was summoned from just refrencing the previous logs. We need to find this planet in order to stop any more darkness from spreading through the galaxy!" Obi-wan said, being more urgant and rushed than he'd normally be due to how close he is to Ahsoka.

Vos raises his hand "you forgot the fact i and my other two leaders of the faith EXOSISED said demon. Your welcome by the way." He added to the other jedi masters present.

"We do not know if it truly was your actions and rituals, or if the dark side user manipulaing young Tano lost their connection." Ki Adi Mundi explained, being more critical of the situation that they didn't fully understand.

Shask Ti while keeping a calm look about her, gave a slight glare at Mundi "those who do not understand the ways of the force or the faith of the holy spirit can not claim to understand that for which resides within the depths of hell that are darker then that of the darkside." She says calmly while sipping on her tea.

Which got a nod from Yoda "much of the force, do not understand even if masters we are."

"Which makes the situation even more questionable. I did ask Belloma if she was aware of such of a creature of events to her knowledge." Plo-koon began.

"What did she say?" Mace Windu asked.

"Demons aren't real you hard case grandpa." Belloma said, appearing to the Jedi Council.

Luminara sighs and before she can say anything before the doors to the chambers open as a familiar female voice is heard "ah but my dear female legate what you see as not being real, maybe real to others, and to others goes against their logic. However as a wise man once said when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."

Everyone turned to see the woman who entered the room, surprised by their visit to the Council chambers. To the surprise of the Council Ruby entered in on a holo-projector, with Cody following/holding it.

"Enough with the boring story you bear riding whore. I was hoping I'd never have to see your face after you licked my boot." Belloma insulted Ruby as she entered.

Ruby chuckles as she was now seen in a suit of terran design with the NCR flag pin proudly to her suit tops collar, "last time I checked the only person who was on their knees licking was you and I didn't hear you complaining." She said with large smug grin on her face.

Everyone in the room felt as if they should not be listening to this.

"I think we are learning too much about this relationship these two share." Eath Koth whispered to Depa Bilaba.

"I would say this is where the fun begins. Can we get an astromech project an pool filled with Oil in here, I wonder what that fight would look like." Depa joked, trying to tease the jedi master, who's face became red with that imagery.

"Enough, all of you. Ruby, why have you come here?" Yoda asked.

Ruby just winks at the legate who was glaring at her as she answers the head of the jedi order.

"Simple really, I along with a small force of guard came running the moment we heard that someone has been taken over by a demon."

Looking towards the three leaders and founders of the new faith she nods, "Which by the way, good job you three on sending said demon back to hell where it belongs."

"Ok, who spilled it?" Adi Gailia asked, looking through the room, before everyone looked at Cody.

"It was Joker." Cody answered.

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