Crimson Caravan

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Hondo, sent an invite out to many of his old contacts, some former enemies and former work acquaintances, including a romantic fling. As they arrived to his base, he walked out of the compound, smiling. Aurra Sing, Bossk, Boba Fett came behind the pair, while Sugi and her group left their ship.

"You have some nerve to invite us here." Sugi said, jamming a finger into the chest of Hondo Ohnaka, before she took notice to the golden and gem encrusted wrist computer on his arm.

"Water that has passed under the bridge. All is forgiven. Now, let me bring you to show you why I sent you all the invite to come here." Hondo said, smiling, as he lead them into his compound,

"Just be careful, we have plenty of chems, and some are very strong." Hondo added, as he walked into his compound, opening a small hatch on his Pimp-boy, and eating a single pill.

As Boba follows behind the group, he noticed how some of Hondo's crew were either breathing in or injecting something in their arms. He was going to asks what they were doing until Sugi spoke up.

"Alright, Hondo. Why did you calls us here? It better not be 'Pleasure over Business' crap. Me and my crew have to find some work." The female zabrak said in annoyance.

"No, no, no, no. It is business, more of an opportunity to you all, for I have the great honor of hosting one of those Special guests from Earth. One that hasn't been in the public eye, which is what she likes. She said that this new log is about business, and I want some eyes that have a bit more than just simple criminal enterprises to watch it with me." Hondo said, seeming to have a very slight change, more intelligent, more, charismatic even.

Sugi rolled her eyes as Embo and Seripas followed her. Aurra, Boba and Bossk followed, until entering a room, where a probe sat, near by was a woman in a suit, with her arms crossed, with a fedora and shades.

"Well" Boba said "What will this "Business" be about exactly."

Hondo smiled and said "The best kind, a legitimate business, also more than likely to how to avoid certain taxes and lets be honest how to get ahead in a black market."

The Holographic person, named Darla, turned, walking over to Hondo and smiled.

"I had Hondo here invite you. I have some extra plans for the future, and Hondo here will need some extra muscle, that......his guys can't match with." Darla said, shaking her head as she looked at the pirates on the couch, all wide eyed and strung up.

Bossk hisses, "And whats our cut in this? We dont work for free." He asks with a mix of hiss.

Darla walked up to Bossk, looking him up and down, before she "patted" his cheek.

"5%, and anything you can carry, from weapons, to items. If you die, your individual cut is put along with the other hired help. It's a 30% cut for all together." Darla said, walking away, before she walked to a bar, having a glass appear in her hand, and she drank from it.

Bossk just raises what for his species would be an eyebrow as he looks at Sugi to see if their ok with this deal.

Sugi closed her eyes. 5% wasn't much, when the value potential was all but non-existent.

"What are we doing? Running Drugs? Salvage? Hitting a convoy? Any details would be nice." Sugi said, looking up at Hondo and Darla.

"For now, it's nothing, the job comes in a few months, once my memory finishes unlocking itself." Darla said, tapping her head.

"We will be going to Earth." Hondo said, as he sat down on a couch, smiling.

Darla snapped her fingers and a screen popped up, beginning to play the Log.

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