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Gino, the AI that traveled with Hondo, "walked" into the Gomorrah, with Hondo.

"So this is where you worked before you worked for me?" Hondo asked.

"Yes, it is. HEY Cachino! Sal! Nero! Where are you?! I am back!" Gino shouted, smiling as she strode into the gambling hall.

The three Bosses of the Omertas looked at Gino's holographic form surprised.

"Well I'll be damned, apparently she did do something for the Bossman." Sal said, seeing Gino in her white suit walk up to them.

"Well, Gino, it seems like this is a bit more awkward for you coming back now." Nero said.

"What do you mean? Wait.....Am I not here anymore?" Gino asked.

"Let's just say this, when you left and came back with a bun and no caps, we were not most pleased. You can probably guess where you are now." Cachino said, looking Gino and Hondo.

"So, speakin of you leavin, who's this mummified freak?" Sal asked, pointing at Hondo.

Hondo raises a brow slightly as he decides to put on his best 'smile' walking up to the trio with his arms wide "greetings my friends! I am Hondo Ohnaka ! A humble captain from the stars and much like you." He brings a hand over his chest and bows slightly "a humble man of business such as yourself. Even of the 'illicit kind' when the situation calls for it."

All three looked at him before they looked at Gino.

Hondo nods "Indeed! She has been instrumental in helping expand my own 'business' in the galaxy, of course much like you i bring with me a business proposal that will make many of us very, very wealth people." Ofcourse Hondo knew their types, terran or no, and if a moment so happen that caused a 'accident' to accure. Well he as a upstanding business man would come in and help keep the casino and family's profits rolling.

MEANWHILE on Coruscant

Anakin was sitting down, with everything he now knew he was going to speak with Padme, Ahsoka, and Rex about his plan.

"So, I.....have come across some information that is valuable. I am going to be leaving Communication Range for some time, cause.....I was given the coordinates for Earth." Anakin said.

"YOU DID! HOW! Who gave them to you! Are you sure?" Padme asked, confused.

"It was from Hondo Ohnaka." Anakin said.

"The Pirate! You can't be serious, what did you give him?!" Padme asked, worried.

"Stocks in the company, non-board member type though." Rex said.

"You knew? Why would you let that happen?" Padme asked.

"Cause when he smells profit. He's honest, and selling the coordinates, is something he profits off of." Ahsoka said.

Padme sat down, placing her head in both of her hands.

"What are you going to do with this information?" Padme asked.

"I'm going to go and get some Jedi, offer them a chance to help fix the planet, and depart in a month." Anakin said.

Ashoka taps her chin as she leans back on the couch "ya know...i might know three jedi masters."

"We are going to need more than those three, especially after one hit you on the head with a book trying to fix you." Anakin said.

"They did what now?" Padme asked.

"Miss Tano got possessed and Quinlan Vos hit her on the head with a book to cast out the thing possessing her." Rex said, in a matter of fact statement.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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