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Four days, that's how long it took for civil order to return to the city world and capital of the Galactic Republic, of course it didn't help that more information that came out, caused more worlds outside the main capital to have more riots and protests. However for one Jedi knight Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan Ahsoka, the riots and protest meant nothing as they were having an important conversation about both their futures.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU HAVE THOUGHTS OF LEAVING THE ORDER!?" Ashoka yelled at her master in the empty council chambers

"Listen, Ahsoka. It was just a thought I had after watching the House log add I-" Anakin before Ahsoka interrupted him. "Wait, are you saying you have thoughts of leaving the Order and me because you saw some business man in a log?" Ahsoka said, leaning forward with her growing fangs showing.

Anakin raises his hands as a sign of peace, "Ashoka, look. It's more than just that." He sighs as he adds, "It's the order itself. I don't know how to describe my feelings towards it but, I just don't have the same love for it as I once thought I had." He says before looking at his Padawan.

"What about me Master" Ahsoka asked tears brimming in her eyes, "What about me, your not just leaving the order your leaving me, and I need you, any other master except Obi-wan would have given up on me and would have just sent me to the Agri-corp. Not you though, you understood me, you got me, and now you're thinking about just leaving me high and dry, leaving me." she trailed off tears now freely flowing down her face, she looked at him, tears stinging her eyes. "You don't think I need you, for fuck sakes, your the fucking father I need, I need you, you are the father I claim, you are my dad to me."

Anakin just stays silent, but wraps his arms around her as he tries to comfort her, "I will never leave you snips, if anything I'd ask you to join me if I do decide to leave the order. After all" He breaks off the hug and looks her right in the eyes. "Whos gonna keep you out of trouble." He says in a jovial tone with a small smirk

Ahsoka looked up at Anakin with tears in her eyes and simply said "Thanks, dad" and just continued to hug it out

Anakin just smiles as he comforts his adopted Daughter, However not all was going good as off in the Clone barracks more then a few were not having a good time, as for the four days of riots and protest, all clones who were not part of the coruscant detachment were confined to the post. Of course a clone named Fives wasn't happy about it. "I'M GONNA LOSE MY MIND BEING STUCK HERE!" He shouts before throwing a punch into the wall.

Echo another clone looked at Fives "Calm down" he said, "The news said that the rioting was calming down and it should be contained by tomorrow."

Fives just groans as he flops down on his bunk next to Echos, "It's not soon enough! I wanna be able to leave and learn more about this leak...i mean did you see the rumors coming from mandalorian space? Hell did you even see the last logs being published on the net?" Of course he wasn't alone, ever since the senate session was leaked by the whistleblower, the same person or persons released the logs to the public which is the reason for the four days of protest and riots.

"Just calm down man" Echo said "It will be over tomorrow and then we can finally leave the barracks, and yeah it's crazy that someone would leak the logs, but I'm sure someone did it for a good reason."

Fives just nods before pulling out his tablet and starts to surf the net as one who is bored does, of course while the grunts sit in the barracks getting stir crazy, the officers were another story as Rex, Cody, and wolf all sat in the officers lounge. "So they really leaked all of this out onto the Net." Wolf said as he was reading the logs and what they entailed. "Fucking hell these mutants are gonna be tough to take down, even with the rotor blasters." He comments looking at the pictures of the east coast mutants.

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