The More Things Change

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Static could be heard from a holographic project as a picture comes on of a twi'lek is seen in her dress at a news Desk reporting the current news at the head line is seen racing across 'Riots break out in front of senate over new discovery!' As the Reporter speaks to the Camera.

"This is Lanora Sing, Galactic New Service!" She turns to another Camera as she continues, with a image of a darken planet coming up with a question mark over it. "The Senate have been observing logs from an unknown world, and we have an unnamed insider leaking the viewings of not one, but two of these logs. These logs focused on a figure named "Robert House" and a group of violent raiders who themselves were continuously defeated and resurfaced known as the Khans.  Many are outraged, and are demanded more information to be released to the wider Republic, along with any and all scientific/technical discoveries be released. Growing crowds gather, not only at the Senate itself, but in the many other institutions of government across Coruscant, including the Jedi Temple. More will be reported as they details are learned and the situation develops." The last image was of both Senate Guard and Clones with Riot shields pushing back against protestors being painted as Rioters.

Static filled the projection before it stopped on a commercial.

"New Action Clone Action Figure has released with the New Clone Heavy Armor! Have your clone squad march into battle and stomp the droid army with it's extreme droid punching action, smash those droids to pieces, trooper!" The commercial showed an action figure in the shape of a clone, now wearing a bulkier armor set, as it's arm swung up and knocked down a droid action figure. The other arm was moved back and swung forward, knocking down the other droids.

Static comes again before showing images of CIS propaganda such. Such as Dooku give a grand speech, Admiral Trench giving commands to his fleet and a CIS commander picking up a child. The propaganda ends showing a blue and white 3PO-Protocol Droid.

"Good day, it is I W-3PO and welcome back to the ISNN." The droid said with an almost seductive voice. "With the recent announcement and release of the "Earth Logs" as they have been dubbed, many changes have been made, along with a new change in how the war will be conducted, changing from an offensive, and now working to reunite the worlds that were lost due to the harsh invasion of the Republic." Images of the Lucky 38 is shown before changing to show the CIS fleet in space.

"Coming up in the next hour, The Earth Representative will be spoken with, and the vanishing of Mercenaries across known space." The droid said before statics again takes the again.

The screen becomes clear as a woman is seen behind a news Desk reading off the news, "And thankfully many foundlings were saved form a Hutt slaver raid." She turns as a Image of Earth is seen. "In Galactic News, it is revealed that Both the Republic and CIS have representatives of what is being called by many, Terra, weather the Republic and CIS have good intention's is yet to be seen." The Camera pans out as a Co-host is seen along side her. "For Domestic News we go to my Co-Host of Mandalore Central News." She motions to her Co-Host.

"With recent events, Duchess Satine, with her sister, Bo-katan, along with Merrick and Pre-Vizsla, have gone to Concordia to meet with the Graduating first Class of the Rangers. We will go to our Local Correspondent, Bic Last." Shows a transition to a mandalorian near a stage, with the 4 Mandalorian leaders walking on the stage.

Bic Last appeared on the Holo-screen, "Thank you, back in the news room." Bic said "Its a rousing day here at the parade grounds here on Concordia. Duchess Satine, is about to start her speech and the attitude here today is happy and excited." She paused looked away, and with an excited look on her face she looks back at the screen. "Here she is the woman of the hour Duchess Satine. It looks like she's about to start her speech."

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