Classes, Expenses, Clinic, Ethics, Cheers and EVIL!!!!!

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After a week of the last recording, talking about the Big Mountain and the Zetans, which also had a release of Data caches, including weapon designs that were being prepared to outfit new units to test the effectiveness of the weapons. The Jedi had been given a new weapon that seemingly were a new variation on their lightsaber, but were more effective against machines, and didn't physically destroy a machine.

But in the mean time, the republic was excited, to get a personal interview with their A.I., Ruby Gardner.

The Holo opened up to a republic reporter wearing what looked like a gas mask. "Hello, Republic listeners, it your favorite reporter Tom Trench, here with the lovely Miss Ruby Gardner, say hi to the folks at home Ruby."

Ruby smiled, she was outside of her normal military like casual appearance, instead, she was in a black dress with one leg exposed, the seem was accented by red ruffles, seemingly having a cloth rose over her leg. She had a flower in her hair, it was red.

"Hello everyone. I am Ruby Gardner." She stated, smiling.

"Look at her" Tom said his voice his usual level of exited, "Aint she a beauty folks." his words had somewhat of an effect on her as if you looked closely your could see a blush on her holographic cheeks.

"Thank you Tom, should I give a brief history I have with me and the Republic? Or should we just start the interview?" She asked, placing a hand on her blushing cheek to cover it up.

Tom hummed before saying "Lets hear the History of your republic, Miss Ruby" he said her name in a flirty tone.

Ruby was able to straighten herself out, before she smiled.

"I arrived here at the same time as the other probes, that was....about....I'd say about 8 months ago. I was a bit simpler back then, didn't have full memory back then, but after the NCR log, I got those unlocked. After that, I gave the the Pipboy, the autodoc, the chems, and the handy dandy book about war. I feel that there is plenty to come to in the future, and I am happy that we are now showing everyone in the galaxy." Ruby said, she smiled towards the camera, showing she was a bit awkward.

Tom nodded, and asked her "So, what was it like growing up in the NCR, what was it like, what are its values, and are you single!" he said the last part flirty wagging an eyebrow in his mask.

Ruby smiled.

"Tom, I'm from the state of Shady, I grew up in the capital of the NCR, Shady Sands, and before you ask, no it's not a small farming town still. It's grown a lot, one of the largest non ruins of the wasteland, next to Vault City, and Junk town. It was pretty good, lot of good business, lot of good to help the people.

For it's values, we are for the people, we believe everyone should have a choice in how they live their lives and an opportunity to chase those choices. I decided to join the NCR Military after I got out of the secondary education, the primary is to give you the bare minimum of knowledge you need to survive. Secondary is more for improved education, advanced stuff, history about the old world, how to shoot a gun, how to repair a firearm.

The NCR military, isn't perfect, short training period, then toss them into service. I was in the supply corp when the first battle of Hoover Dam happened. I think we do good, but....damn do we struggle at times." She said, shaking her head.

"That sad to hear that your struggle at times" Tom said sympathy in his voice, "I'm sure that the Republic will do everything in its power to help your people when we find them." he paused for a few minutes before he said "But you never did answer my question are you single." he finish, his voice still flirty at the end.

Ruby reached to her neck, under a dress strap before she pulled out a chain, showing a necklace with a set of tags, and two rings.

"Married to the Job and New California, Tom." She joked, before she looked down, "The Republic may have some issues with the NCR, the people have plenty of abilities to choose leadership, the issue is there are those who like to give who they want positions. Brahmin Barons, they have deeper wallets than most towns do." Ruby said, a bit of a frown appearing.

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