Caesar's Legion

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(Thank airsoftal01 @crimsonweresloth and Anderfell for helping me make this chapter)

The Jedi were gathered in a room, they were preparing to be for many things. Anakin, Obi-wan, Ahsoka, Mace, Shaak, and Aayla all joined, with Rex and Cody near their generals. Their probe was glitching out, she cut in and out, the hologram was fuzzy, sometimes showing the woman in a red tunic and armor, and a woman in a white robe.

"What's going on?" Cody asked confused.

Anakin walked over, hoping he may have some idea, and he reached forward, grabbed onto a small switch and flipped it.

The hologram vanished, and a small hatch opened. Inside the hatch was a tube. Picking up the tube, the clones carried a table over, and Anakin twisted the top, seeing a red cloth, wrapped around something.

"This better not be a kid." He said, unwrapping it.

As the cloth was unwrapped, it was revealed to not be a baby, but.....a skull, with a knife, and something in the jaw. They group was confused. Anakin reached forward, grabbing the knife's handle. Suddenly he saw something. A man talking to people around a fire, he said "I can teach you how to fight, better than the other tribes." Before the vision stopped. Anakin dropped the knife, breathing heavily.

"What's wrong Skywalker?" Windu asked.

"I touched the knife, and saw.....something." Anakin said, confused.

Kenobi reached forward, and was going to open the Skull's jaw, when as he placed his hand on it, was suddenly seeing a city, smoke filled the air, the sounds of screams, and howls, and the smell of burning fur filled the air. He saw soldiers throwing animal bodies onto fire piles, a figure leading them, one wearing metal armor, "let their dogs burn. It is a fate they will soon share." A man spoke, his voice was deep, and rough. Kenobi left the vision, pulling his hand back.

"I saw one too." Kenobi said.

"Was it a man showing tribals how to wage war?" Anakin asked.

"No......I was a city in flames.

Mace Windu reached out with the force and grabbed the medallion from the skull's jaw, disk, that fit into an open palm, a man's face was carved on to it, facing to one side. "Pax Per Bellum" on it. Mace Windu was shown a burning fire, bodies laid all around him, as a single large figure, covered in blood, stood, facing the fire, breathing heavily, his shadow enveloping everything g behind him.

Everyone there looked at the cloth, seeing a golden Bull design on it, not knowing what it was.

On Mandalore, Satine, Merrik and Bo Karan watched, their probe was fine.

The probes activated and began to show the next log.

A long time ago, there was a saying, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it". That makes more sense back when every child in the country went to school 5 days a week and learned their history from a big room full of books. Of late, it can be a mite hard to find a history book that hasn't been burned or rotted through, so it seems like a lot of the good folk of the wasteland are doomed to repeat a lot of history's mistakes.

*shows a classroom with students and a teacher at the front, it eventually fades to show the same room, now in ruins, desks over turned, and empty, broken windows and empty shelves.*

Tano and Anakin both couldnt help but chuckle, "No offense, but history hasnt really given us much outside of bones, death, and ideas long since proven to be useful." Anakin states.

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