The Enclave

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(CIS Leadership and Parliament Only Chapter)

Dooku was on Seranno, he was in a holographic projection of the CIS Parliament, with Grievous, Trench, and Ventress. He had the probe connect so that they all would get a view of the video clearly. 

"Members of the Parliament, Council members of the Leadership Council, Generals and Admirals of the Confederacy, for some time, we have been watched the logs of the the probe sent from "the wastelands", we have another log to observe this day. What can be learned is yet unknown, what information will be unlocked shall aid in our independence." Dooku announced, getting an applause from the parliament.

The man in the suit snapped his fingers, and took a folder from his jacket, tossing and expanding a paper, before it began to play a video. 

As far as Anyone knows, this wasteland is the best damned wasteland in the world. When America and China went head-to-head two hundred years ago, both sides launched everything they had and most people assume that China was blasted back to the Stone Age. The only way to know for sure is to jump on a boat and paddle across the ocean, so folks just assume that China, Europe, Canada and the rest of the world got hit at least as bad as America did.

*Opens to wasteland shot of Eyebot floating by, heading into no where that can be seen, just traveling. Changes to a close up of a skeleton by a car on the road. Shows eye bot floating by a beautiful sun rise/set, then to a town with a fortified wall near a bridge. Man frantically loads a rifle, wearing a screened helmet, eye bot explodes suddenly as it was shot.*

Everyone was surprised when the man shot the simple looking robot that was flying around. Some generals wondered how the wastelands would react to the battle droids. The floating robot did look a bit like a probe droid.

People look out at this land and some of them just know in their hearts that it the garden spot of the whole world. Maybe that's why we cant go more than a few decades without someone trying to take over the place.

*shows a view of a forest, fades to a tall tower backed by the sun*

Some of the members of parliament remembered back to the years before the war, some had rather nice worlds, not many issues, then after the war began, they had to dedicate more and more industries to fight the war effort, and the expenses, but they knew that it was the corruption of the senate that caused the war.

When humanity was just beginning the struggle to rebuild after the war, there was no sign of the government helping out. People formed tribes lead by the strangers warriors, and the smartest scavengers. The chain of command and the line of succession meant nothing to people who needed things done fast. The closest thing to a government that emerged was tribal elders, or the mayors of small villages.

*Shows a tribal like group, a larger man standing cross armed, tribal warriors behind him*

Some members of the parliament had a feeling this was similar to their own issues, they had gone through disasters, and no republic aid had came, the Techno Union and Trade Federation came. 

"It is understandable why they didn't care, if action is needed, people will take that action." One member said.

Eventually, in 2189, some of the largest towson in California banded together and formed the New California Republic, but they never claimed to be THE government. With no communication form the pre-war government for over a century, the memory of it faded as new generations replaced the old, convinced the old president and his kind were long dead, but the wastelands ain't so lucky.

*Shows soldiers in armor, and some in trenchcoats and masks in fortifications, with a large anti-material rifle, fades to black*

Some of the military leaders looked at the soldiers rather interested, maybe slug throwers were a good idea, in a form of specialized weapon.

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