61. Family

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'You never underestimated me. You just completely forgot there's always a 'me'.'

"So Gentlemen, we already know why we have gathered here. As you all may know, we have a little rough time going on...", Lisa said to the other two Alphas.

"Alpha Lisa, some things are just between us. Some issues like barrage I believe. Then may I know, why you have invited some trivial person here for meeting?", Chul, Alpha of Nosan grunted pointing with his head towards Hanyang's Alpha King. While Hyun just looked at Lisa, silently waiting for her to answer.

"Look Alpha Chul, I still want to solve this in a peaceful way. This Alpha here, Alpha Hyun, has now partnered with me and thus he requires to be present when I'm making any decision about treaty or even war. Please understand.", Lisa calmly said while playing with the apple for the fruit basket which was kept on the table.

This made Chul grow a little suspicious. He knew something was off when she called for a meeting. Now he could see that she was waiting for a moment when he will disagree with her treaty, so she would call for a war. He decided to take it calmly.

"So may I know Alpha Lisa, why haven't you invited Jeon Jungkook too? Isn't he the official owner of Nakdong forest now?", He asked raising his eyebrow. Hyun was shocked to say least. He looked at Lisa with wide eyes. How can she keep this big detail from him!?

"He... isn't any official person or any royal Alpha Chul. Any business with him won't be considered as official one unless he is an Royal or King of any state. So shall we begin?", She said indifferently and both Chul and Hyun were tongue tied. They knew she was planning something. But before they could have a thought about it further a guard of Nosan barged inside.

Lisa smirked.

"What is it?", Chul asked in slight anger.

"Apologies my lord. But I had to inform you. There are some wolves who have encroached our land. They had some weapons.", He said. Chul immediately looked at Lisa for answers. But she morphed a look of indifference.

"Where are they from?", He asked his guard while looking at Lisa. Even Hyun was confused as to what was happening. 'Did Lisa send them?', He thought.

"They don't seem from any specific land. Might be some rogues.", He quietly informed. Chul's face morphed in even more confusion. He looked at Lisa for answer. But she acted like she herself was confused this fact.

In secret she looked at her two assassins to be prepared to attack who were feigning act of normal guards.

"Get them—", Before Chul could order them, another guard barged in.

"Your highness, that—", he stuttered. Chul got angry.


"He has arrived—"


"He's talking about me Chul.", Both Chul and Hyun abruptly stood up while Lisa gasped in shock.

There, stood Jeon Jungkook with a pleasant smirk on his face and all okay without even a scratch in sight. 'What is he even doing here? Did Taemin fail in his given task?', Lisa thought, anger filling up in her veins.

"Please Sit down folks. Make yourself comfortable...", Jungkook said as if he was the one who has hosted the meeting. But the small smile on his face was definitely a fake one. Chul and Hyun looked at each other and Lisa before they slowly sat down. While Lisa kept seated looking down at her hands controlling her rage. She knew she can't everything get to waste now just because one of her assassins failed.

So what if Taemin failed to kill her one of the targets in his pack, now his other three assassins would have extra work. Instead of two, there will three bodies lying down when she will be leaving the community hall.

She looked at her assassins who looked a little baffled unexpected extra entry but they calmed their composure immediately and looked at Lisa for the further signal. She just signalled them to hold for a while.

"Alpha Lisa!! What does this mean!? I had clearly told you that I don't want to get involved with Alpha Jeon in any way!!! How could you be so careless!! ", Hyun whisper yelled as soon as he sat down. But Lisa was quite.  Still seething with anger. Looking at Jeon Jungkook casually sitting with her spokesperson Hwasa behind him, she felt her nerve wrecking badly.

There was something in Hwasa's hand. They waited for Jungkook to settle down and speak patiently.

"I got to know you were holding up a meeting regarding some boundary possession issue. So I thought I also should give a visit, shouldn't I?", Jungkook chuckled. Hyun and Chul just nodded silently. Did they really have any option rather than nodding?

"But I hadn't even gave you any invitation!!", Lisa snarled.

"And that's where you did a mistake, Alpha Lisa. Wasn't it your duty to invite all the people who hold land possessions inside Busan borders?", Jungkook asked raising his eyebrow. Lisa huffed.

"Alpha Jungkook, I had once tried to convince you to break the dam that you started building over Nakdong river!! You asked for Nosan's help for that who are our enemies. If you had agreed to our conditions, I wouldn't have called for this meeting. And now this has become the matter among Royals. So I would like you to not intervene in our business. All of this caused because of you.", Lisa said with a bite in her tone. Her sharp eyes trying to pin alpha down and kill him.

Jungkook smirked and he shook his head.

"Even if you're my half sister, do you know why I never considered you as my family?"

A loud gasps filled the room along with Lisa who was left with a wide shocked eyes. She couldn't believe what was she hearing.

"H-half sister?"

"Nah. I don't consider you as anyone from my family. You don't even have the capability to hold my shadow. Let alone brains to rule a kingdom.", Jungkook bitterly said as his cold eyes held the pure disgust for the other. While Chul and Hyun felt like they were interrupting some cold war just by being present there. But no one had the courage to lift up from their seat.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN!!!", Lisa banged her hands on the table and stood up, glaring at the Alpha. The other two were just looking at them respectively.

"Tch... Leave it. Don't ruin my mood.", Jungkook waved his hand dismissively. He looked back at Hwasa and nodded. She immediately came forward and put down the half round pot she was holding. She removed the clothe covering the pot. They couldn't become even more confused.

"Have some Yakgwa. I told my cook to make it specially for you. Its made from fresh honey ", Jungkook smiled and slid the pot closer which held the sweet Yakgwa made from fresh honey.

"W-why—", Chul asked and Lisa glared at him. Jungkook stared at Lisa with a smirk before he announced.

"My dear Omega is pregnant!!"


Ayyo Beautiful Saramis!!


It's safe to say it's about to end. Nah, not without Jikook moments of course.

So are we ready?

Borahae 💜

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