Ah home?

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-6 weeks later-
It's been already a month and half, I am well settled in Seoul now I guess. It is all thanks to the Kim Family (my neighbours). Ahjussi, Ajumma and Taejoon and Tan, have made my life so simple and it's nice.
It's shocking how because of my instant bizarre friendship with Taejoon (who is my colleague too), I got to know Ahjussi and Ajumma. And Tan, he looks so much like Yeontan.
Agh, nevertheless they are really sweet. Sometimes, I feel I am too dependent on them. Ajumma calls me everyday for breakfast and dinner, it feels like I am taking too much from them. But when I told her this, she said It feels like I have another daughter here in you, and I don't mind cooking for you. I was left speechless, and then Taejoon smiled and said,
"You are like now a part of this family, don't feel too burdened."
I couldn't help but smile.
Thinking back, I am really lucky to have found such good people around me in this new country.

It is already the weekend.
'Where is Kim Taejoon!? Lemme call him and tell him I m leaving for home!'
*Calls Taejoon*
"Hey, Where are you? What time do you leave?"
Taejoon sighed, "I will leave in half an hour. Are you done!?"
"Huh? Half an hour more! It's the weekend, Let's leave na? Do you want me to wait for you?" I asked.
"Noona!! Please wait, we will go together!" He fake cried.
I am now waiting for this slow ass idiot, Kim Taejoon. Agh, we are the same age but he is somehow like a younger brother. I love him (he is my best friend) but he also annoys me. But I cannot be without him too. Agh, whatever. I will just scroll Instagram while I wait for that idiot.

I am Home for some days, it feels nice to have a break.
It's been so long since I spent time with my family.
I meet them often but I haven't stayed with them in so long.
Eomma told me about this Taejoon's best friend who is like a daughter to her. I haven't ever meet her, but I am so curious. She made a place in my parent's heart in  a month or so. It's a little weird too. Anyways, let me meet her atleast.

*Bell rings*
It must be Taejoon!
What? Her? The one from Singapore? What is she doing here? Why is she here?
"We are late because of you!" She said to Taejoon.
She is scolding him but with love, I don't know. I am feeling too many things, she hasn't even looked at me.

"Ah, but we are not that late. The door is open..Hyung!!? Taejoon smiles and rushes to hug me.
"When did you come back?"

I keep looking at her, for her to see me.
Suddenly she looks at me, and makes an inexpressible face. I am not sure if it is a good thing or bad. It is like she got hanged.
Okay, shouldn't we say something?
I should say something!! But what?

-SNEHA POV (in her mind)-
Is that Kim Taehyung?
And what was HYUNGGGG!!!
How can this be possible?
Like they look nothing alike!!!
He is in front of me!!!

I am now concerned, she is not looking at me and not saying anything. Her ears are red.

"Sneha!! Why are you so shocked? Do you realise you are red-faced right now. Aren't you happy to see your bias wrecker open the door for you!?" Taejoon says to her. She somehow now looks embarrassed.
So, she is V Biased! This might be the best thing I heard today!

"Taejoon-ah. I am not. I AM NOT. Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. Hi, I am Maheshwari Sneha. His best friend and neighbour too. It is nice to meet you, Taehyungssi!" she replied with a smile.

My name sounds better in her voice, somehow.
"Hi, I am Kim Taehyung. It is nice to meet you too." I smiled my best smile.

What is that smile? So cute. So cute. My simping heart. So beautiful he is. His bread cheeks. Omfg, I cannot be thinking all this.

Thankfully Ajumma comes to my rescue,
"Sneha, I made your favourite Tteok-bokki!! Let's go inside and have dinner." She smiled wholeheartedly.

"Yes, Ajumma. Be right there." I replied.

Her face is so red. Oh my god. I feel like touching her cheeks and telling her to calm down.
It's just me.
But I cannot help but ponder again, on how sweet she is. It is like she is a part of the family, I think I like her more.
Even at the dinner table, it felt comfortable conversing with her. She has this calmness to her, it is pretty.

Author's note:
It's more like V is a Sneha Simp.
But it goes both ways lol.
They are simping for each other.

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