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Sneha was blushing so hard. When she reached her home she couldn't believe it. That that she did THAT. She thought. Oh my god, Love is dangerous. And My man is more dangerous.

Taehyung was happy that he told her his feelings but the ending where she took that bold move, made his heart beat so faster. If only he could kiss her then.

Time skip: One week goes by
Sneha and Taehyung kept on meeting at home and talking and having fun. Their vibe was something else. They were getting closer and their love for each other was starting to become so evident.
Ajumma and Ahjussi could also sense it and they were kinda happy for these two love birds.

Time skip: New week begins
And things go on the same way as they were supposed to. Also, all this while they were constantly meeting at dinners, calling and texting each other.

Time skip: Friday Night Realisations (roughly 2 weeks after meeting each other)
Sneha's feelings started becoming more and more clear to her. She started
realising that she liked him because of how they could talk about things, how they could convey their feelings, how fun walks with him were, how his chivalry made her heart skip beats, how his eyes were always piercing through her soul, how beautiful his mind was, how hardworking and creative he was, how his voice could make her at peace, how boxy and cheeky his smile was, anything & everything about him.

Sneha was realising these things. But she forgot the most major thing...
How just seeing him could make her happy, this was the reality then too when she was 18 and had a crush on him and now too when she is 24 and is in love with the same guy.

For Taehyung it was just her.
He so wanted to meet her every damn moment. And when they were together he could just hardly keep his distance.
It was like they existed in one another's system now.

Time skip: Saturday morning.
Yay. It is the weekend for both and they are both homes. Saturday at 11 am.
Sneha is wide awake because she has to meet him.
Taehyung's parents and Taejoon went to Daegu for the weekend. It's just Tae and Tan at home.

Sneha drinks some coffee, bathes and gets ready. Since she is going to his home, she isn't wearing any dress. She is wearing a white tee, black wide-leg rugged jeans, some bracelets, a watch and her specs. She looks like an emo teenager tbh.

*Bell rings*
Taehyung opens the door.
They are shocked.
Because Tae is in a white tee, black pants and his glasses.
She is like Whattt!!?
Taehyung: " I didn't know you loved me that much. Even the same outfit, Sneha." says while smirking.
Sneha: "As if I would. This is so psychic." scoffs.
*She was shocked but after Tae said that she was kinda annoyed at her man.*
Taehyung: "It is always fun to annoy you. But this looks like a couple's outfit. Don't you think?"
Sneha: "It does. Well, makes sense na."
*She said it like it was a fact and went inside. Now our V was surprised. Because his woman used to flirt so surprisingly and it is always so bold.*
Taehyung pov:
She is so bold. She is not good for my heart.
Well, her personality is like a silent killer. Lol.
Sneha pov:
I did not say that casually. I am a dumb idiot person. Ik ik I like kinda love him but this is so evident.

Well, they were at his home because they were gonna watch Taehyung's Suggested Korean movie. While they were chatting one day they thought let's watch a movie in their languages with each other.

So today was Korean movie day.
They started watching the movie. They both thought they could talk more and connect on things. It was a Romantic movie with a sad ending. But they were both serious watchers who didn't like distractions while watching something. For 1 hr 45 mins, they were just sitting beside each other kinda leaning towards each other and eating some snacks.
They didn't utter a single word. Yeontan slept beside them probably because he was bored lol.

The movie is done.
They look at each other, Sneha is leaning on Taehyung's shoulder. And She is crying and sad because of the ending Taehyung smiles looking at her. Well, he is immune to sadness because he has watched it many times.
He says, "It's okay. It's okay. Eventually, they met."
Sneha replies, "Before you call me a crybaby lemme tell you only movies can do this to me. I don't cry often. This one was just so sad. They couldn't be together in this life. Ahhh, it's injustice. Why would you wait so much to tell the other person you love them!!"
Taehyung: " Well people are like that. But it's good to be sure you know."
Sneha: "I know but what is even the point if you cannot wake up to them one day?"

What she meant was, that people wait so much before confessing, that sometimes they even miss out on the chance to sleep next to their partner and wake up beside them.

Taehyung: "True. But It isn't just lifetime, it's lifetimes always, you know."
Sneha: "You know, they say it's a union for 7 lifetimes. But what's the use when you won't be able to wake up next to the person you love in this lifetime!"
Taehyung: " But many get to love the person they love every day too. Don't worry about it. Also, it is 7 lifetimes?"
Sneha: " It's like when you marry them, you both take 7 rounds around the Agni vowing to the god's that you will be with that person in their happiness and sadness for 7 lifetimes. Also, like 7 is the only indivisible number."
Taehyung: "That is impressive."
Sneha: "Ikr. It is so so beautiful and meaningful at the same time."
Taehyung: "Yes. I would like to marry like this. If possible."
Sneha: "Oh I will. I don't know about you. "
Taehyung: "Lol, then I think I will too."
*He rubs the back of her head. It somehow all makes sense to her.*
Taehyung thoughts:
It doesn't matter if you aren't the one I am marrying.

Sneha's thoughts:
Am I a fool? I have been this much in love with him all this time and I haven't told him this yet. He is the kind of love I have been waiting all my life for. And it's mutual, oh god.
HE IS THE ONE. HE IS. I CAN FEEL IT... Thank you, God you kept me single all along for this guy. Hehe, it's weirdly beautiful and odd to be in love...

Taehyung could feel in his bones, that She is the one. He felt it way before, even if he knew it was too soon. But He didn't want to run away from his feelings and He didn't.

Author's note: I believe it was because of Taehyung's love and how evident it was that our Silly Sneha could finally realise her feelings.
Weirdly, they didn't realise that the kind of talks and feelings they had in the first few days is what people don't even have when they have been together for years.
Their vibes and personality match so well.

It is like Taehyung is the piece of the puzzle she was finding all along.
And it is like Sneha was all that was missing from his life.

Special mention:
Speaking of personalities Sneha is an INTJ and Taehyung is an INFP. They are kinda like the most perfect personality match.

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