Fam Jam

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When Sneha wakes up, she finds him staring at her. She was hugging Tae like how the panda hugs a tree. He was smiling at her, so in love.

Tae pov:
Haha. So cute. That relaxed look. She is sleeping like a winter bear. Wow, I think I wrote that song for her, without even meeting her I guess. My love.
Oh oh, they're there. She is waking up...
Hello love...
Hie Cutie.

She didn't realise but she was smiling at him, involuntarily. She keeps on smiling at him, and it is like she is very happy with what she saw when she woke up.
Taehyung is still smiling at her. He leans in and kisses her. He says, "Good morning again, beautiful." She goes smiles so wide at him, and says, "Hellooo."
She keeps on staring at him. He gets nervous and keeps on staring at her too. She touches his lips with her index finger and then touches her lips with the same finger.
She was asking him, for another kiss without actually asking him. He laughs at her cuteness.
He leans in and kisses her again. Then leans back. She is still staring. He leans in and kisses her again. This time the kiss is a long one. It gets all intense. As he grabs her by the face, the kiss gets more...
They keep on kissing and kissing, their hands are all over each other.
shouted Taejoon. And closed the door.
Taehyung and Sneha just stopped what they were doing, and froze in the same position.
Then they looked at each other and started laughing. Sneha said, "Hmmm, that was awkward. Now, I will have to answer his million more questions on the way to the office."
Taehyung who was giggling said, " Haha true...but don't tell him everything!"
Sneha: " It's all your fault!!"
Taehyung: "I was just kissing my yeoja chingu, what's wrong with that!?"
Sneha blushes hard and goes " Hmmm."

Now they are finally up. Taehyung gets out of the room while Sneha gets into a presentable appearance.
Taejoon and Taehyung make a eye contact. Taejoon awkwardly goes into the kitchen to Ajumma, clearly avoiding Taehyung.
It wasn't weird or anything. It was just too much at once for Taejoon.
His Bestfriend and His Brother!!
(Imagine Ross!!!)

Even though he was very happy with their relationship, it is always kinda weird to share your best friend. The best friend who has been there for you might have met you just a few months back but she became family. You used to be with her 24x7. It was so good just 2 best buddies. And then someone who is also very important to you, your Brother gets into a relationship with her. It is like they are the 2 and you are the third wheel. All these thoughts were capturing his mind and he didn't realise that Ajumma had left the kitchen, and he was just standing there still. Sneha came in.
He turned back, all flustered.
Sneha: " Ah I knew, you would be avoiding us rn."
Taejoon: " I didn't mean to...you know.."
Sneha hugs him and rubs his back and says, " Well I know it's too much for you. You act like you are all cool. But you aren't very comfortable with me and him, right? I just want to let you know, I and you are for life, he and you are brothers so for life too, I and him are for life too, I hope. So, dw we are there with you. Always. And I am your bro, now be my supporter here okay? Ya Taejoon-ah! Now smile." literally stretching his lips to make him smile.
Taejoon just smiles and hugs her back.
She knows that he was just feeling a lot and felt like he was losing both of them. But
They are family, with or without her being in a relationship with Taehyung.
Taehyung watches this without making his presence felt from outside.
Taejoon: "I see your husband peeking at us. He will be jealous to see you hugging me." says pouting.
Sneha: "Well, I can hug you whenever I want, and I don't think he has any problem with that. And he isn't my husband!" says shyly.
Taehyung immediately says, "YET!"
He looks at Taejoon and says, "Don't you worry about anything, Kiddo. We will be there, always."
After he sees Taejoon smiling, he goes and hugs them both. All happy.. the trio that was supposed to be.

All three of them, go out and sees Ajumma, Ahjussi and Tan waiting for them to come for dinner.
They join the dinner.
Over food.
Sneha felt the happiest with the family. She always wanted to be a part of a Happy family, because she wasn't from one.
It was what she always wanted, a family...

After Their dinner, Sneha suggests some ice cream time. And who can say no to ice cream?
All six of them, go for a drive and then to the ice cream parlor.
It is a huge discussion for them, to try what flavour or not to try. Then they talk about their favourites. Ajumma tells her a story from Taehyung and Taejoon's childhood related to ice cream.
On how Taejoon pranked Taehyung from adding salt to his strawberry ice cream. And Taehyung still ate it, guessing that his tongue was salty from before. Lol. Until Ahjussi tasted his ice cream and they found out it was Taejoon. Taejoon had a good laugh and was teasing him but later got a good beating from Taehyung, as he was the older brother.

Sneha was happy listening to all these stories. And she even shared some of hers.
It was a good ice cream time with the fam.

They returned home.
The others went to their respective rooms.
Tae, Sneha and Tan went to Taehyung's room.
They were peacefully sitting on the bed. Taehyung was making Sneha listen to some of his favourite jazz music. After 2 songs, Sneha said to him: "Mr Kim! I cannot take it anymore. My head aches from all this loud music."
Tae: " Huh? Your head aches? From Jazz?"
Sneha: " Yes yes. Please shut it off."
Tae shuts it off but is still shocked.
Sneha: " Don't look at me like that. I just don't like it. I like soft music and beautiful lyrics. Like the ones that you make!!"
Taehyung:" Umm, I get it. Here you got me. But baby why!? Jazz is soo beautiful."
Sneha: " Umm, not for my head." says sarcastically and starts laughing.
Taehyung says, "It isn't funny you know."
She replies, "It is, see your face. SO CUTE." Still laughing.

Taehyung starts tickling her on the bed and she cannot handle tickling. She starts laughing so hard but he won't budge.
Sneha tried to ask for a Pass! Pass! But He doesn't listen.
She is so out of breath and Tae is too. He stops tickling her.

She smiles so wide and says, "Ahhh! Thank you."
Taehyung who is basically above her looks down at her and then, they kiss.
They kiss once only.
Because she could sense the danger of letting him carry this on.
After, she says half blushing, "Gotta run! It is Monday tomorrow..."

Then they kiss each other Goodnight and She goes to her home.
It is a good night for them.. all.

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