Fam Jam 3

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On their way back,
Sneha, "You know you could have asked me to change to a more appropriate style!
If I knew I was gonna meet them all, I would have dressed a bit different."
Taehyung, "But it isn't my place to tell you what to wear. And if you did you wouldn't be you, like the raw version of Sneha. You are Sneha who knows how to just be herself, any piece of clothing cannot change that. So, it doesn't matter what you wear. Also it was a surprise. And darling, trust me they loved you."
Sneha, "Idk what to say, but thank you for saying that."
Taehyung, " You see, I have your back. Do whatever you want, I am here with you."
Sneha kisses him on the cheek and says, "I so freakin love you, my sunshine."
Taehyung smiling like the one that comes from heart, "I love you more, yeobo."

And and, Sneha fell head over heels for Jungkook. He is her long-lost friend and bias wrecker.
After they came back home, Sneha said to Tae, "Doesn't Jungkook look unreal? Like My god! So freaking hot and unreal. You know we have so much in similar. We bonded so much. That guy is freaking cool. Man, I like him. I mean..."
Taehyung scoffs and says, "What Got a Lil crush on him, babe?" And looks at her with his full attention.
Sneha, "Umm, I mean who wouldn't? Like you saw him right? He was so easy to talk to."
Taehyung, "Haha, so truly?" and stares at her soul.
He is jealous. Period. She can feel the chills.
Sneha says: "It isn't like that. It is like starstruck, like how I was with you in the start."
Taehyung: "Well, you weren't this starstruck with me?"
Sneha, "Are you jealous?"
Taehyung: " I am. Ik it's kiddish and I am sorry. I just get jealous a lot. I mean I should be fine with you talking to other men and vibing with them. I just get jealous. This makes me a douche I know."
Sneha: "Uk I gladly am stuck with you. seriously, I would love to be with you forever. You have nothing to be jealous of. Like me getting jealous would make sense but you, you have nothing!"
Taehyung, "As in? Why wouldn't it?"
Sneha, "Like I am me and you are you. You are so freaking beautiful, your personality, you the whole person is so beautiful everyone would want you. With me I am like just a okayish looking 24 year old who isn't like good at anything particularly..."
Taehyung interrupts her, " Are you saying you aren't worth it? Like how can you not see yourself, the way I see you. Like you have really pretty eyes, you always convey your raw emotions, whenever you win somewhere you have this smirk on, you smile so prettily, and when you are angry you can kill a person with your stare, your laughter is so loud and it goes like a train...I could go on and on. And I will get jealous everytime because I am scared of losing you. You are like my source of light and life in a person, I want you to be mine.Forever."
Sneha silent, "Umm, Idk what to say. But Thank you for allowing me to be yours."
He starts kissing somewhere between her neck and collarbone.
The rest you know.

Like this.
Days pass by.
4 Months do.
Their being together was the only constant.
In the meantime, they became more serious about each other.
Sneha told her Mom and close cousins about him, but none of them talked to him directly on call though.
Also, Taehyung had started writing songs for his new album and is kinda occupied with his music production.

One fine evening, Sneha joins him at the studio. He is immersed in the process.
She hugs him back, only to see such a beautiful smile on his face as he turns.
There's also a picture of them beside his computer.
Sneha: "Hi, Jaan!"
Taehyung: " Hi, love!"
He makes her sit beside him, and they start talking about what he is producing and the lyrics and everything. Sneha did some writing back then, and she wanted to see how lyric writing actually happened in real life. Taehyung explained everything and they worked together. Well, it was mostly her falling in love with the man again & again while watching him work. Sneha saw some lyrics, and went like, "Mr Kim? Isn't this our story?"
Taehyung nonchalantly said, "It is. It is. Lemme show you the music for this!"
Sneha: "What?" shocked
Taehyung: "What?"
Sneha was all red, "Like isn't this telling the world that you have a lover like it's a huge huge deal you know that na."
Tae: "I know. but It has to be told, baby."
She is speechless.
Taehyung pulls her chair closer and cradles her face.
He says, "It has to be told that I have you. My Yeobo." with those eyes and kisses her. This kiss is special like gentle passionate slow love.
Later they order food and have it in his studio with some wine.
He dims the studio light, Two lovers drinking wine, having some food and talking while sitting so close to each other that even air doesn't have space between them.
It was their space.
Their Home.
Each other.

After that, Sneha leaves for home while Taehyung works.
What Sneha didn't know was that every song on that album was about them and there was one special song Taehyung was pouring his all into. A song about a girl who came to him and changed his life. It is titled, "you make me wanna be a better man"
The night passed.

Well, there's someone who is coming, Sneha's Mom. Earlier this week, her visa and tickets were done. Sneha is very close to her mom and she is excited for her to meet Taehyung, the Son in law.

Time skip: Sneha's Mom is here. 10 am at Airport. Sneha sees her mother and rushes to hug her. Finally meeting her after almost a year. They talk and talk the whole way home.
The mother-daughter besties, as Taehyung calls them, after listening to all the stories Sneha told him.

In the lift.
Sneha: "Maa, Taehyung is waiting for you at home na."
Maa: "Okay. See you finally got your man, I always told you to be patient. But you..."
Sneha: "Haan maa. I KNOW. Also, He is excited to meet you uk."
Maa: "Mee too...finally after listening about him so much."
Sneha: " Haha he will say the same."

Reaches the floor gate opens, they get out and they see the whole Kim family outside.
All smiling.
Taehyung comes and touches her feet, and says Hello. Sneha's mom talks to him and the rest of the family.
It was funny how all of them got ready to meet her mom and even tried welcoming how Indian families do. Of course not with flowers just warmness...
Sneha was overwhelmed with the feelings she was feeling.
Her mom was so genuinely happy with this warm welcome and her family who took an initiative for the welcome. She was so happy.
After all the chit-chat and refreshments Ajumma prepared.
Sneha-Her mom-Taehyung leaves for Sneha's Flat. Taehyung and Sneha's Mom got along fast. You could see the Mother in law & Son in law kinda bond.
They talked about the things they can do in Seoul, How much he loves Indian food, About her, About him, What she wants to do, Mom's special Indian dishes he wants to eat, Snacks she bought, Sneha's stories and her obsession with BTS...
Maa: "Ahh she loved Jungkook so much, she used to always say Maa this is your son-in-law..haha. Now, look at her.."
Taehyung: "Oh so she loved him since then?"
Maa: "Yes. What not! She used to put his pictures everywhere and.."
Sneha shuts her mouth and says, "Haha Mumma that was all in the past. See this is your Son in Law."
Somehow Taehyung straight face becomes all smiley. Ig that's all it takes to make him happy lol. Probably it only works for Sneha.

Maa: "Ohhh. I know. I know. He is very good for you, you know... Sneha, How about we tell your father now?"
Sneha: "Uhmm ye-yeah ig we should but.."
Taehyung: "There's no rush you know, Maa. We want to be fully prepared before telling him and the rest of the family. Ig it will be too much for her rn."
Maa grabs his hand and Sneha's hands and says, "Well I have a feeling it will be very soon though. Now tell me, What will you kids like to have?"
Taehyung smiles at her and so does sneha.
Sneha shouts, "Poha, I want Poha!"
Taehyung: "I have heard so much about the poha you make, I would love to have them."
Sneha's mom laughs at their cuteness and goes to the kitchen.
Taehyung grabs Sneha from her waist and whispers in her ear, "I think I like the taste of everything she makes."
Sneha goes all red but musters up the courage to say, "You are getting naughty mister. Now, lemme go my mom is in the kitchen."
Taehyung replies, "Well, Am I? I wanna...."
Sneha shushes him and just leaves to join her mother in the kitchen.
Tae also joins them later.

Like this, the days go by with her mom being there with them. They go out for whole family dinners. Sneha took her to a lot of places. Even Taejoon accompanied for shopping when both Sneha and Taehyung were busy. When Sneha gets busy, Taehyung gives his time to Her mom. It goes vice-versa.
Taehyung is basically her favourite now...which Sneha is not very happy about but then she goes to Ajumma.
It seems like a happy family...
They all went on a small trip to the countryside for 4 days.
And the 1.5-month trip with her Mom ends.

She goes back to India.
Also when she sat on the flight, she thinks back and smiles at the time well spent.t
She remembers her talk with Taehyung on the trip. When he told her, " Maa, Don't worry about her being here. I am here for her and I will take care of her. I love her very much. Also, I wanted to have your permission for this. I am thinking of proposing to her in some time, Is it okay with you? Can I have your daughter?"
And how happy she was. How they planned his proposal and how delightful it was for her to have found her Son in Law in such a Good Man.

Author's note:
Sneha isn't hesitant to tell her father about Taehyung because of insecurities, it is because she wants to tell him when it is all final. She doesn't wanna Introduce him as 'Her boyfriend' but rather 'Her fiancé'

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