THEM, ladies and gentlemen.

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It was 9 AM.
Our Taehyung was sleeping peacefully in his bed.
But Yeontan is awake. He was sleeping peacefully but he hears yeontan bark a bit and then someone says, "Erona? Wake up, handsome!"
He opens his eyes a little, and sees the love of his life, waking him up. Sneha.
She says, "Mr Kim. Wake up, please."
He just keeps looking at her. Staring.
He pulls her into his embrace.
Now, they are both sleeping together.
He just hugs her and again closes his eyes and Sleeps. Yeontan lays down on the bed and sleeps too. Like father like son.
Sneha cannot help but watch them sleeping.
They look so much like angels, she thinks.
Sneha and Tae stay in the bed for like 15 mins. Taehyung is asleep.
Sneha cannot stop smiling at this cute little boy who is so deeply asleep.
Sneha smiles at him and kisses him and says, " Wake up, yeobo. I got you Breakfast."
He opens his eyes. He is again looking at her. Staring. With big eyes.
She again kisses him and says, "Good morning, love."
He touches her face. And keeps on touching her face. It is like he is checking if she is real or unreal.
He then kisses her. This kiss gets deep and kinda steamy. They go on and on. Sneha breaks the kiss, for a breather. But Tae doesn't allow her.
Taehyung then smiles at her, she is still in his embrace.
After all the kissing, Taehyung is somehow on top of her.
He smiles at her and whispers in his raspy voice, "That was a very good morning, babe."
She blushes so hard but manages to
say, "Ah so now you are awake. I got you Breakfast. So move now."
Taehyung, "That's very sweet of you, love. But I have my breakfast right in front of me now. How can I leave it?"
Sneha: " Whh "
Tae silences her with a kiss. This time it is more intense. After this kiss, he smiles at her and says, "What a tasty breakfast."
Sneha who is out of breath and red and a bit annoyed manages to say, "Yeah yeah sure."
*She is a bit annoyed *
Taehyung: "Don't be angry now, yeobo! I wanted to just kiss you. You know."
Sneha: " Huh. Bydway, Good morning it is our first morning as a couple....and it isn't like I didn't want it or anything!" gets shy.
Taehyung: "Hahaha!! Happy first morning, Jaan. I am sorry I just cannot control when you are so unguarded with me. Let's have breakfast now okay!? I am kinda hungry again."
Sneha: "Oh then let's have our breakfast now!"
*He watches her again, and she literally starts laughing*
Sneha: " Silly, it is Food food. Hehehe."
Taehyung: " You need some punishment."
He kisses her again....
As soon as this session ends, Tae is up.

They realise Yeontan is not there.
They laugh at how they didn't realise when he went out of the room. She then sends him to the washroom to get freshen up. And she goes into the kitchen.
The breakfast she made was cold now...
Yeontan is sitting like a good boy waiting for his breakfast too.
*She gives yeontan his food and then starts getting the food heated up*

By the platform, she is getting the food ready. Someone hugs her from the back. And the hug is kinda tight. She looks back and it's her Mr Right.
Who is still not in the mood to let go of her.
She just smiles and continues to do her work.
He kisses her neck and that's when she knows, it's getting dangerous. She looks back at him and says, "Baby, let's have breakfast now. Come."
*Stops doing what he was doing and looks at her, still hugging her though.*
Taehyung: " Umm, what if.."
*Sneha puts her finger on his lips, stopping him from speaking more.*
Sneha: "Uh uh, no no no. Come come. Let's go to the table."
*Taehyung makes his Tata mic face*
*But it doesn't work. Lol.*
She takes his hand and gets him to the table.
He sits there like a baby, obeying the orders and patiently waiting.
She gets all the breakfast on the table. They sit beside each other.
Sneha holds his hand. And he just smiles at how simply she expresses her love.
Their hands are intertwined the whole time, while they eat their breakfast.
Yeontan joins them and
They are very happy.

Taehyung pov:
Wow. If I get to wake up to this each morning, life would be so good.
And she is so cute, that holding hands after telling me to sit. Her love language is so cute. I just want to...

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