Fam Jam 2

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A new day begins,
Today he wakes her up, with breakfast in bed.
Taehyung: "Hey beautiful. Good morning!"
Sneha smiles at him at says, "Good morning, Tae."
Taehyung shocked.
Taehyung: " You just said my name?"
Sneha says, "Hmm."
And gives him a peck and gets up and starts walking.
Tae: " Huh? Where are you going!?" *grabs her hand*
Sneha doesn't turn and mumbles," I gotta wear clothes and brush!"
Taehyung realises what she intends and releases her hand. She leaves. He gets so shy. All red.
They are both very comfortable with each other but when something like this comes up, they act like newlyweds. Well, but they haven't gotten physical yet so.

Sneha comes back wearing the grey hoodie she stole from Taehyung.
Tae pov:
Woah. Isn't that mine?
She looks so good IN MY CLOTHES.
Sneha acts all normal and sits beside him.
They eat their breakfast, but they are so conscious of each other today. Both shy.
They could do this all day, but they gotta work.
You gotta earn to live!!

After breakfast, Sneha goes and bathes while Taehyung is sitting there. Because of this shy incident, she forgets her clothes outside.
She comes out in a Towel, just that wrapped around her body. Taehyung is sitting right there in the same room.
*Taehyung is just staring at her.*
*She is all red, like the evidently visible red.*
She musters up the courage and says, "Hi. Could you please le-leave for a while? I have to change."
Taehyung still staring says, " Yes yes, sure."
*He is all red now too.*

She changes and gets ready. She comes outside. He is there sitting on the couch.
*She comes and sits beside him*
Sneha: "Haha. Thank you for the breakfast, Mr Kim." trying to ease up the atmosphere.
Taehyung: "Sure, darling. We have a lifetime together and the day should begin with the lover. So, This is gonna be normal for us now."
Sneha smiles and intertwines her hand with his...
And he kisses her. It gets all steamy.
They make out for a good 30 mins... morning essentials ig.
They get all shy before and after making out, it's funny.

Time skip:
Sneha is at Office and she had to change to a high neck because of all the hickeys she had now.
And Taehyung gets to the HYBE office as well. He enters the room and says Hello to the members.
It is just them, 7 of them.
He is wearing his shirt but it's open. All six members stare at him. He has a damn hickey on his neck's corner, which of course he didn't see.
Jungkook points out, "You came from outside like this?"
Tae: " Huh? What's wrong?"
Jin: " Come here. Look in the mirror."
*Goes to the mirror and sees*
Taehyung smirks and says, "Hmm. What? When did she do that?"
They are shocked and find it kinda funny.
Namjoon: " Taehyung-ah. People would have seen this."
Tae: "Hyung. Dw. I wore a full jacket before entering this room. I just wore it for the sake of style but now I feel lucky that I did."
Namjoon: "Oh good. But how could you not see this?"
Taehyung: "Haha. Idk. I didn't realise..."
Suga: "Look at him getting all shy."
Jhope: "Taehyung-ah. You look happy!!!"
Jimin: " He is very. They are a beautiful Match. Lemme show you.."
*Shows Their staring picture in the balcony and one of them playing with Yeontan.*
*Woahhh says all*
Taehyung: "Where did you get those from?" inquiring.
Jimin: " Taejoon-ah shared it with me when I asked him."
Taehyung: "Ohh. He is so dead."
Jungkook: " You guys look cute. Get married already!"
Namjoon: "I agree."
Jin: "Taehyung-ah, I will gift you a fridge!"
Taehyung is shocked. All of them laugh at this.
Jimin then says, " When are we meeting her?"
Taehyung: "Ahh don't ask.She is still star-struck with me sometimes. Idk what she will do if she meets you all 6 at once."
Jungkook: "Ohhh. It's okay though. We are family too. I wanna meet her."
Taehyung: "Okay okay. Let's meet this weekend, at our usual spot."
Suga: " Yeah. We haven't done this in a while."

The days pass, but their love bliss continues...ig that happens when you meet the right person.

Saturday morning.

Taehyung and Sneha are getting ready as they are gonna go on this date, Taehyung planned.
Sneha wears a crop top with wide-leg rugged jeans and sneakers. Her hair was open, her tattoos visible, lots of rings and necklaces, and subtle makeup.
Taehyung wears a shirt and a trouser with his natural hair and a watch.

Sneha looks forward to this date, as it's just them roaming around.
They leave and first, they stop at Starbucks.
It is her coffee takeaway time...

Later they then went to an art gallery together.
Both were immersed in art and the flow of their interpretations of the art. While their hands were intertwined the whole time.
Sometimes they laughed, sometimes they were just silent.
They clicked a lot of pictures together and did really weird poses but one thing was constant.
Their hands would always come back to each other.

Later in the afternoon, they had lunch. A really good private lunch with wine. Sneha's dating life wishlist is getting so many check, checks.
And they just love each other's company.
They complement eachother...
Their lunch is done, they get back on road and go to a deserted bungalow a bit outside the city.
That's a surprise she thinks.
When they reach, Taehyung opens the door for her. They hold hands and go inside.

SURPRISE! lots of voices echo.
Sneha sees her favs, all of the BTS. There were some other people, I suppose their partners. All smiling at her and Taehyung.

Sneha says, "oh thank thank thank you! Wow..." looks at taehyung, basically on the urge of passing out.
Taehyung: "Ah, miss starstruck. Come I will introduce you to everyone." puts his hand around her waist.
He introduces her to each member and their partners like, "My Girlfriend."
Sneha was so happy to meet them all.
She talked with everyone. It was so much fun. The OT7 that was such a huge part of her life then, now we're all in front of her. She even was lucky enough to get the man of her dreams.
Sneha was a bit starstruck by their presence though, it took her quite some time to be normal...

She bonded with Jungkook the most, as she was basically swooned by him and then they had similar interests. They started talking about their tattoos, then onto songs, music, and many things. She felt like he is some long-lost friend, they could talk about everything. And it was kinda mutual.
Jungkook jokingly said to Taehyung nudging him, "I hate the fact that you found her first. I was just a few seconds late!"
Sneha just smiles awkwardly. Taehyung looks kinda jealous and pissed. Jungkook is clearly having fun teasing his Hyung.
Taehyung replies, "Well, I got really lucky. She met me at the best time. And she is just the best thing to happen to me."
Jungkook smiles at that and replies, "It's no fun teasing you. You are so love-struck. Sneha, Take care of my brother lol!"
Sneha and Taehyung both smile at this exchange.
She instantly replies, "I will, for life <3"

Hearing this everybody starts cheering for the new couple. Taehyung is on the 7th cloud hearing this. Later, They played some music, sat and talked.

It was beautiful. Like FAMILY.

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