Cheer Tryouts

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After home room which I dreaded because Four's little group kept staring at my butt the ENTIRE time! Talk about creepers! As I arrived in gym I realized Four's group is also in this gym period! Oh joy!
"Welcome to Gym everyone! I'm Coach Amar,if you didn't know that already!"
"Today, after school is cheerleading and football tryouts for anyone who is interested!" Coach Amar replies looking over at Coach Johnson, the cheerleading coach. "Now everyone run 5 laps without stopping!"
☺️☺️Time Lapse to After School☺️☺️
Now I realized that I have all my classes with Four and his nut-job friends, and to top it off, I have to sit next to him in all of my classes!
I'm on my way to cheer tryouts when I see Lauren and Four kissing by the gym doors! I pry them away from each other to get to the doors behind them!
I wasn't paying attention to the tryouts until I heard my name "Tris!" yelled Coach Johnson. I got up, did a cartwheel into a back handspring then a back tuck then I landed in a spilt! I heard whistles and clapping, I turn around and there is the entire football team including Four!
"Wow Tris I'm impressed!" Coach Johnson replied clapping.
"Alright, I will post the cheer team announcement on the school website later tonight so stay tuned and I will see you tomorrow!" Coach Johnson exclaimed as we left.
☺️☺️ Time Lapse Till 5pm ☺️☺️
I'm on the computer waiting for the cheer announcement when I get a text from Christina
C~ Check out the school website Coach posted the announcement!
T~ okay I will!
I got really excited until I saw the list and my name wasn't on it! Then I saw at the bottom of the list: Captain: Tris Prior! I got really excited and ran upstairs to tell my parents and Caleb, my bro, when I saw that they weren't home! I was going to call Mom to figure out where she was when I got a weird text from someone I never thought I would get a text from in my life!


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