Prom Part 1

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Recap: At the Talent Show, Uriah sang a song for Tris and then afterwards he asked Tris for forgiveness!


Tris POV

A week ago was the talent show and Uriah asked for my forgiveness! I said yes because I still love him, and I know that it was a mistake and that he would never do that again!
Tonight is prom and Uriah asked me the night after the talent show! We are having Uriah's mom watch the babies until tomorrow morning. I have to sing for one last time tonight because for the rest of the year, we aren't doing anything in any of my classes!
I called Christina and ask if she can come over and do my hair and makeup.
(Bold=Tris Normal=Chrissy)

Hey Trissy Poo
Don't ever call me Trissy Poo again or I will butterknife your eye!
Okay then. What did you need?!?
I wanted to know if you girls wanted to come over to get ready!
Of course!
Okay bye!

End of conversation

5 minutes later I hear a knock on the door. I open it and in comes Chrissy, Shauna, and Lynn! They are all holding their dresses on hangers underneath a bag. I'm surprised that Lynn is even going! Al probably asked her!
"Let's get ready girlies!" Chrissy squeals running up the stairs to my room! Great! This is going to be fun!
We still have 3 hours till the boys get here, so we need to do our nails, get on our dresses, and do our hair and makeup! Jesus! I'm turning into Chrissy!
Once we all get upstairs, Chrissy and Shauna start squealing and jumping up and down at the sight of my dress!
"Omg Tris this is the prettiest dress that I've ever seen you wear!" Chrissy screams as she stops jumping.
The girls take out their dresses and I'm amazed! Chrissy's dress is a floor length lavender silk dress, Shauna is wearing a floor length blue dress with silver beads all throughout the top, and Lynn's dress is black and it's super skin tight and it has sparkles all over! Christina and Shauna's dresses screamed their personalities, but I was surprised by Lynn's dress because I never thought that she would ever wear sparkles a day in her life!
We all paint our nails the colors of our dresses so they matched and then we put on the dresses and now we are doing our hair! Chrissy is putting my hair in a really fancy braided bun while Shauna just curls Lynn's hair since Lynn is boring! Chrissy curled her hair and pinned it up with bobby pins, then she did Shauna's hair. Shauna just wanted her hair straightened so that she wouldn't have to worry about taking a million bobby pins out of her hair! For makeup, we all did the same smokey eye makeup, put I wore nude lipstick while the other girls wore red.

🕧🕧🕧An Hour Later🕧🕧🕧

The guys are here! Time to get this party started! When we opened up the door for the guys, their jaws dropped!
"Close your mouth you'll catch flies!" I say kissing Uriah on the cheek and walking out towards the stretch limo!
Once everyone gets in the limo, we start talking about college plans. We are all going to Roth University next September. The guys are going on football scholarships, Shauna and Chrissy are going on a cheer scholarship, Lynn is going on an art scholarship, and I get the opportunity to get two scholarships, one for cheer, and one for singing! Everyone is excited for me and I can't wait till September!


The prom is being held at this mansion that no one lives in. We all sit down at our table, order our food, and we just talk. Well as in talk, I mean kiss, Uriah and I were having a make out session until I slow song came on and we walked onto the dance floor to dance, along with the other couples. What I didn't realize till now was that Uriah is a really great dancer! As we sat back at our table, Four was right by my seat watching us dance the entire time! Jesus! Stalker much!
"We would like to welcome Shauna Johnson to come up to the stage to announce Prom King and Queen!" Tori says in her mic that she gives to Shauna as she goes onto the stage.
"Hey guys! Has everyone's night been good! I hope so! Well the Prom King and Queen are..."

A/N I decided to make prom into a two part thing! I'm very excited and I have ideas for the next couple chapters! Love you pansycakes😘😘😘😘😘😘

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