Arriving at NY

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[A day and a half later]

So it's like 10 pm and we are finally arriving at New York! Christina, Zeke, and Four are sleeping so it's just Uriah and I. We talked and kissed and cuddled until the driver, Eddie, parked the RV and said "Everyone up! We are here and the second RV with your other friends should be here in a half hour!" Everyone who was sleeping woke up alert and ready to get off this RV! They sprung up off their bunks, hitting there heads in the process, packed their suitcases back up, and got off the RV with Uriah and I trailing behind.
"I'm really happy that your going to meet my old friends from when I lived here!" I say to Uriah pecking him on the cheek.
The other RV gets here and the rest of the gang barge out of the door when I see Al and Lynn holding hands!
"When did this happen?" I ask suspicious!
"Two hours ago!" Lynn said all happy as Al pecked her on the cheek!
After I figured that out, my phone rang, without pressing caller ID I answered it.

Tris😀- Hello?
Katniss🎯- Hi Tris!
Tris😀- OMG how are you?
Katniss🎯- Good! The group and I are at Peeta and my house waiting for you guys! Along with your parents!
Tris😀- Okay we are heading there now!
Katniss🎯- Alrighty mighty bye!
Tris😀- Bai!

"What's up?" Shauna asks looking over my phone.
"My friends are at my friend Katniss' house waiting for us, along with my parents and Caleb!" I say leading the gang to Katniss and Peeta's house.
I so hope that all of my friends get along!

-A/N Two updates in one day! Did you guys expect it to be Katniss who texted her?!? Love you pansycakes😘😘😘😘😘😘

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