Meeting Everyone!

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Once we park in front of the huge Victorian style house, it's eleven o'clock at night. Why would they stay up to see us! We could have gotten a couple hotel rooms for the night and come back tomorrow morning.
Oh well!
I open the door for everyone to come in when I realize that the lights were off! I turn them on and I heard
"TRISSY WE MISSED YOU!" I turn around and I see my old friends Katniss, Peeta, Gale, Prim, and Katniss' mom with her new husband, Haymitch! I missed them all so much!
"OMG guys! I missed you too! I have people I want you to meet!" I say pointing to the guys. "This is Zeke, Christina, Shauna, Lynn, Will, Four, Al, and lastly my boyfriend Uriah." I exclaim pointing to everyone individually.
"So your the one that helped Trissy after this idiot knocked her up and then cheated on her. By the way, I'm Peeta." Peeta exclaims shaking Uriah's hand and when Peeta said "this idiot" he pointed to Four who was talking to Haymitch about who knows what! After a little while, everyone is talking to someone. I decide to talk to Katniss since she was probably the person I missed the most! When I get over there is isn't there! Then I hear gagging. It's her!
I go to go check on Katniss

Four POV

Haymitch I guess came over to me and starting talking to me.
"Hello I'm Haymitch, I'm just going to tell you something! Tris is a very sensitive person and because you cheated on her, you are in the doghouse with me and the rest of her friends!"
"I didn't know she was pregnant!" I shout at him! I don't like when people confront me on what I did wrong.
"That doesn't matter! We matters is that you cheated on her. You cheated on her with one of her best friends! That's really screwed up!" Haymitch exclaims anger that I yelled at him. But he deserved it for confronting me!


When I go to check on Katniss, she is throwing up in the toilet. Oh god, she could be pregnant too!
"Hey Kat, I saw you throw up. If you want, you don't have to, but I recommend taking a pregnancy test because I was throwing up a lot before I found out I was pregnant."
She grabs a pregnancy test on off the medicine cabinet and I leave the bathroom so she can pee. I walk back in after she is doing peeing and we wait 5 minutes

OMG My best friend is pregnant!

-A/N What did you guys think? I am having so much fun writing this story so I hope you guys like this story too! Love you pansycakes😘😘😘😘😘😘

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