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A/N The picture is of the dress that Tris wore to graduation underneath her gown. Also she is wearing red pumps, for jewelry, a red statement necklace, red stud earrings, and for makeup, a smokey eye, and red lipstick.

Story time


Today is graduation! Today I am finally graduating high school! Today is the day I celebrate being in school for twelve years!
I wake up around 10:30 since we have no school today because it's graduation. I go downstairs and start making breakfast, I make eggs, sausage, pancakes, bacon, and of course, a bunch of fruit.
I wake up Margo, Alaska, and Lynn since they were waking up anyway. I wake them up so they can help me wake up everyone else. I grab an air horn, Lynn grabs an air horn, Margo grabs a bowl of ice water, and Alaska grabs a can of whipped cream. Alaska is going to put the whipped cream all over everyone's faces, Margo is going to put everyone's hand in the ice water bowl, lastly, Lynn and I are going to blow the air horns waking everyone up, then us girls are going to try to run away and hide!
After we are finished, we start counting down as we run to our hiding spots.
"WHAT HAPPENED!!! WHO DID THAT?!?!?" Everyone else screams. I'm in my closet in my room, behind all of the clothes that I put in there last night. If you were wondering, all of the parents went home last night so they could get ready to come to graduation, because unlike the teens, the parents didn't bring clothes with them.
We all started getting ready, the girls in one room and the guys in another one. I put on my dress and looked in to mirror, noticing that the dress brings out my tan really well! Perfect! As in waiting for Alaska to finish with the curling iron, I decide to start on makeup. I do a smokey eye so my eyes pop, curl my eyelashes, add a bunch of mascara, and add red lipstick. By the time I'm finished, everyone is finished their hair and is working on makeup. Jesus! Did I take that long on my makeup!
"Yes! Yes you did!" The girls say. Damn! I thought out loud again!
I go in to curl my hair when I notice something weird. My normal curling iron was replaced with a two inch curling wand.
"Who changed my curling iron?" I ask the girls, going back into my room from the en suite.
"You got that curling iron yesterday, remember!" Leigh Anne reminds me.
"Oh yeah! Thanks for reminding me Leigh Anne!" I say to her as I go back into the bathroom to actually curl my hair.
When I'm finished, I go back into my room to see everyone, even the guys, ready to go since graduation starts in about an hour. We grab the babies, go downstairs to get our shoes, and we head out for graduation.


"Here to share a speech with us tonight before we hand out diplomas is our valedictorian, Tris Prior!" The principal announces in the mic as I walk up to the stage wearing my black and gold cap and gown, with a gold ribbon around the shoulder that says valedictorian.
"Thank you Principal Eaton! Okay so, hello fellow parents, guardians, teachers, staff, and students. Graduation is a huge milestone in a student's life. Graduation celebrates students who are moving on in their lives to college or to a career that we, as students have been working to get to for the past 12 years! Over the past 12 years of my education, I've had to move three times, so it definitely wasn't the easiest! I started going to school at Divergent High, my freshman year and I've made so many friends, I've even found the love of my life! This year I struggled with being pregnant the first nine months of school, it wasn't easy but I had the help of my friends, fellow students, teachers, and staff. In April, I gave birth to six bouncing babies, yes six, I know! A lot to handle your senior year, but I was able to get through it! My experience shows that the Divergent High 2015 graduating class is definitely a extravagant bunch! Now to close my speech in going to say something to my fellow graduating class. You guys have helped me through my pregnancy and many other things! I will definitely miss you all and I hope that the odds of a happy life are definitely in your favor! Goodnight and farewell Divergent High!" I finish my speech and go back to my seat, waiting to get my diploma.
They start announcing names to get their diplomas, I was zoned out until I heard a name.
"Uriah Pedrad!" The principal says in the mic as Uriah gets up from his seat next to Zeke and I.
Something was weird. Uriah was supposed to go back to his seat after he got his diploma, but he just stood up there and Principal Eaton gave him the mic. What is going on!
"Hello everyone, and welcome to the Divergent High 2015 graduation ceremony! I would like to do something in front of all of you tonight! All year this year, I was in love with this girl, her name is Tris Prior. She got pregnant by Four Eaton in the middle of September. About a month later, she found out that she was a month pregnant. When she came home to tell Four that she was pregnant with his baby, she witnessed him cheating on her! She ran over to my house and I comforted her. I confessed my feelings for her, and luckily, she liked me too! We dated throughout her pregnancy and we are still dating now. We had a few bumps in the road, but I would never stop loving her, she's my princess and I'm her prince! Now Tris, can you come up here please?" Uriah finished his speech and I was in tears as I walked up to the stage.
As soon as I go up there, Uriah gets down on one knee with a velvet box in his hand. Oh My God!
"Tris Prior, would you do me the honor of becoming Tris Pedrad?" Uriah asked nervous about my answer.
"Yes! One thousand times yes!" I exclaim as he gets up, puts the ring on my left ring finger, and hugs me! I can't believe he proposed to me, the same way Ricky proposed to Amy on The Secret Life of The American Teenager!

🎓🎓🎓After Diplomas🎓🎓🎓

We graduated! My gang and I, the gang that I met the beginning of freshman year, and I graduated today! I'm going to be a Pedrad too! This was the greatest graduation ever, until...
"Are you Beatrice Prior?" A guy who looks like a police officer asks me.
"Yes I am." I respond confused why a police officer is here.
"I'm here to inform you that your parents got into a car crash on the way here and unfortunately, they didn't make it! I'm sorry!" The officer told me and now I think I'm going to faint!

A/N Sorry I had to leave you on a slight cliffhanger! What did you guys think? Love you pansycakes😘😘😘😘😘😘

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