More Surprises!

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The door bell just rang so loud so it woke me up! Ugh! Who could that be! I quickly got dressed and left the bedroom carefully so I don't wake up anyone. I run down the stairs and opened the door. There stands my other friends Finnick, Annie, Johanna, Rue, Thresh, Hazel Grace, and Augustus! Right behind them are my parents, Caleb, and Susan!
"OMG guys I missed you! Come in!" I say jumping up and down happily!
"Mom, Dad, are you guys excited to be grandparents!" I ask hoping they are excited.
"Yea we are, it's six of them right?" Dad asks happy and a little tired too.
"Yup! Well if you guys are tired, they are three other bedrooms upstairs since my group from Chicago and I are sharing a room!" I say getting up to help them with their bags and going to the kitchen to make some tea.


Everyone is sitting at the really long dining room table for breakfast, in total there are about 20 people here for Katniss' big news! After my group from Chicago introduced each other to everyone, Katniss is ready to share!
"Guys, I have something important to share..... I'm pregnant!"

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