Homecoming! Pt.1

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We just got out of the limo and let's just say, the homecoming committee did a great job decorating the gym! The theme was more creative than last year. Last year's theme was "A Night in Hollywood" and this year's theme is "A Night in Paris!"
Uriah and I danced for a little while until they were getting ready to announce homecoming king and queen, Tobias came up to me and said "Once we both win this, we will have to date!"
"No we won't! Now would you leave me alone! I know that this baby inside me is yours but that doesn't mean we need to date! Uriah will make the perfect step father! Why don't you go dance and make out with your girlfriend Marlene and leave my friends and I alone!" I scream at Tobias as the whole gym goes silent and then I realize what I said! I just told the entire school I was pregnant! Great! I can't handle bullies!
"Okay so lets announce homecoming king and queen!" Lynn announced into the mic, I guess she noticed the awkwardness between everyone in the gym.
"The homecoming king and queen are...."

-A/N You will find out in the next chapter! Who do you think it should be? I need baby genders and names by the July 11th! Love you pansycakes 😘😘😘😘😘😘

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