I'm 18!

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A/N Once again, since it's summer, Tris isn't wearing that jacket in the picture!



Today is Monday,ugh! But, it's my birthday! This is probably going to be the best Monday ever! Usually, I'm not this excited for my birthday, but today, I turn 18! I'm officially an adult! Hallelujah!
I just put on something casual so I'm comfortable. Once I'm finished getting ready, I hear a car horn and I realize that it's Uriah telling me that he's here.
I text Uriah and tell him that I need help with the babies and he says that he was already on his way in.
I actually didn't think Uriah knew that today was my birthday until we got in the car with the babies, he said Happy Birthday and pecked me on my lips.
After we dropped off the babies at Uriah's mom's house, we head to school which I'm not excited about because I usually never have to go to school since my birthday is June 16th, it's usually my last day of school, but since I'm a senior, I have one more day of school before graduation which is tomorrow.
Once we get to school, I'm greeted by the gang, Tobias is in the gang again, who all hug me and sing me Happy Birthday. This birthday might not be the worst!

🕧🕧🕧After School🕧🕧🕧

Christina is making me go shopping with her because it's my birthday. Yay! Oh well, I need new clothes anyway! Since Uriah drove us to school in his car, I got in Christina's car and we headed to the mall.


Christina is shopping with Tris as a distraction as the rest of the gang and I get a birthday party ready for when she gets home. Shauna and Lynn are baking the cake and cooking the food since they are the best bakers and stuff. Zeke and Tobias are setting up party decorations, and I'm calling people to invite them. I called Tris' mom, dad, brother, brother's girlfriend, Katniss, Peeta, Haymitch, Katniss' mom, Prim, Gale, Finnick, Annie, Rue, Thresh, Hazel Grace, Johanna, Augustus. Will and Al are calling more people on their phones because I can't call all of these people at once. Will is calling the guys of One Direction and the guys of 5SOS, and Al is calling the girls of Little Mix, Taylor Swift, and Ed Sheeran! That's a hell of a lot of people who we are inviting because they are all friends of Tris and she deserves to have all of her friends here, and they are all renting hotel rooms so they all don't have to go home after the party. My mom is coming and she is bringing the babies.


Knock Knock


Everybody finds a place to hide and we hear the door open and Tris' voice.
"Why is the light off?"
The lights go on and we all jump out of our hiding spots and scream "Happy 18th Birthday Tris!"
Tris puts a hand over her mouth has she starts to cry!
"What's wrong?" Taylor went up to Tris to hug her.
"I'm happy Taylor, thank you guys! This is the best birthday ever!" Tris exclaims, hugging everybody, me being last.
"I love you Trissy!" I say kissing the top of her head as we hug.
"I love you too Uriah!" She replies pulling away from our hug to go talk to Katniss who is almost 4 months pregnant!
I walk up to Tris' parents because I have to ask them something that I have been wanting to ask them for awhile!


I go over to talk to Katniss and she is rubbing her 4 month baby bump. Oh those preggo days! I actually miss being pregnant!
I give her another hug as we talk about babies and graduation because since she is a senior at her school in New York, she graduates next week!


We all gather around the kitchen for a slice of Dauntless Cake! Yum! This is probably going to be delicious! As I'm eating my cake, I hear a knock on the door.
"I'll get it!" I say over the loud music.
I go to the door, and there stands my other friends from when I lived in Orlando, Florida, Quetin, Margo, and Alaska! I missed them so much!
"OMG guys! How did you get here!" I ask excited and happy.
"Well, we were in Chicago and your brother called us giving us your address, saying it was your birthday!" Alaska says walking into the kitchen to get a piece of cake, same with Q and Margo! I'm about to go back to the kitchen when I hear the door again!
"Who is it now!" I say opening up the door and then realizing who it was and then squeezing the life out of them! It was Mia and Adam! They were my best friends from when I lived in Colorado!
They go in for cake and thankfully, nobody else knocked on the door!


We all sit around the living room as I start opening up gifts.
My parents got me two pairs of keys and I was so confused until I looked outside. They got me a minivan so I can fit all of the babies in the car for when we go out! But that was only one pair of keys! The other pair of keys were for a new house that my parents got for me! The house had 11 bedrooms, 10 bathrooms, an office, screening room, a basement, two living rooms, a huge nursery, and a huge backyard with a huge pool which was connected to the huge deck! I loved this house! I thanked them so much and continued with the gifts!
My brother and Susan got me a bunch of ITunes gift cards and a pair of teal headphones. Katniss and Peeta got me a grill for my new house. Haymitch, Katniss's mom, and Prim, got me a bunch of things for Uriah and my room like a bed set, and a bunch of clothes. Gale got me gift cards to all of my favorite places to eat. Finnick and Annis got me a microphone and singing equipment. Rue and Thresh got me a bunch of gift cards to Starbucks. Johanna got me a bunch of phone cases. Hazel Grace and Augustus got me a bouquet of orange tulips. One Direction gave me a copy of their fifth album which was nice because it's not coming out until September 15th and its June 16th. 5SOS got me their book and 1D's book. Little Mix got me a bunch of makeup and clothes. Taylor Swift gave me some of the clothes that are going to be a part of her fashion line. Ed Sheeran got me a gift card to a tattoo shop near my new house. Christina got me a lot of makeup, clothes, and shoes. Shauna got me the same thing as Chrissy. Lynn got me a bunch of chokers and jewelry. Will got me personal yoga equipment that I really wanted. Al got me three DVDs that he told me to watch when I'm having a bad day. Tobias got me a bunch of pairs of sunglasses. Margo and Q got me a early copy of Paper Towns. Mia and Adam got me the movie If I Stay and a guitar and a few guitar picks. Lastly, Uriah got me a necklace the said Always on it, a laptop, and the entire Sims computer game collection! I thanked everyone for the gifts and we all walked to my new house and I told everyone they can sleep over the new house and I let everyone choose where they wanted to sleep as Uriah and I went to the old house to grab our cars and the presents since Taylor, Ed, and Perrie had the babies since they were holding them when I was opening presents. The furniture guys are coming tomorrow to set up all the furniture in the house since the house is empty.
This has been the best birthday ever!

A/N Did you guys like the chapter! I have something planned for the next couple chapters! Love you pansycakes😘😘😘😘😘😘

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