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{The picture is Tris's outfit of the day}

Once I got to school the next day, I ran to my locker to see Lauren and Tobias fighting!
"I'm done Lauren you were nothing special and I already like someone and it's not you!" Tobias screamed at Lauren as she ran away crying!
"Four are you okay!" I exclaim running to Tobias who looks like he is going to punch someone!
"Yeah I'm fine just angry!" Tobias replied through clenched teeth!
I intertwined his fingers with mine as we walk to class since we have all of the same classes!

☺️☺️Time Laspe to Music☺️☺️

Tobias and I walked into Music class when I saw my name with on the board! I go ask Mrs. Wu why my name is on the board.
"Oh Tris call me Tori and your name is on the board because someone told me that you have an amazing voice and I want you to sing for the class!" Tori exclaims slightly!
Great now I have to sing for the entire class! I go up in the front of the class and start singing:

🎶 Everyday is so wonderful

When suddenly it's hard to breath

Now and then I get insecure

From all the pain I'm so ashamed

I am beautiful in every single way

Words can't bring me down

I am beautiful in every single way

Yes words can't bring me down Oh no

So don't you bring me down today

To all your friends their delerious

So consumed of all your doom

Trying hard to fill the emptiness

The pieces gone left the puzzle undone

Is that the way it is

You are beautiful no matter what they say

Words can't bring you down oh no

You are beautiful in every single way

Yes words can't bring you down oh no

So don't you bring me down today

No matter what we do

No matter what we say

We're the song inside the tune

Full of beautiful mistakes

And everywhere we go

The sun will always shine

And tomorrow we might wake on the other side

We are beautiful no matter what they say

Yes words won't bring us now no no

We are beautiful in every single way

Yes words can't bring us now oh no

So don't you bring us down today

Oh yeah don't you bring me down today

Yeah ooh

Don't you bring me down today ooh today🎶

The class stood up and appauled as I sat back in my seat!
"Wow Tris that was amazing can you sing for the class everyday!" Tori exclaims!
"Sure!" I reply as the bell rings

When I got my lunch and sat at my table the gang was talking until they saw me and they made room so I could sit down.
"Tris do you want to come to a party at my house tonight!" Uriah asks.
"Sure!" I exclaim!

{The song was Beautiful by Christina Aguerlia and I chose that song because I love her and I love that song 💖💖 Anyway I'm lost and I need suggestions PLZ help a fellow fangirl 👍👍👍👍👍}

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