Telling Tobias

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I waited a couple days to tell Tobias, just so I can find a fun way to tell him. Underneath my sweatshirt, I have a tank top on that says "Your Going To Be A Dad!" On it, and when I come back to Tobias' house from shopping with Christina, who still doesn't know, I'm going to take off the sweatshirt in front of Tobias, revealing the tank top!

🕔🕙🕣At Home🕞🕐🕕

"Babe, I'm home!" I yell upstairs to Tobias when I start hearing moans!
When I go upstairs, I see Marlene and Tobias making out on his bed!
"So now your cheating on me! We are over! I hope you know that you just lost two people!" I scream as I start crying my eyes out when I realize something. Uriah is or was dating Marlene! Oh poor Uriah!
I start running to the Pedrad household, bang on the door, and out comes a puffy, red-eyed Uriah!
"Oh Uriah, I'm so sorry, I just found out too!" I say hugging him and then I realize that he doesn't know about the baby, none of my friends know, nobody knows but me and Johanna!
"How did you find out Tris?" Uriah asks me still sniffling.
"Um Uriah..... I'm pregnant. I was coming home to tell Four and I saw him and Mar making out." I say in only a couple of breaths. As I look at Uriah he has an awed expression on his face.
"Your pregnant with Four's baby!" Uriah asks sweetly. I answer by slightly nodding my head as Uriah touches my stomach slightly, still in awe by everything.
All of a sudden, I feel lips on mine and I realize that Uriah is kissing me and surprisingly I'm kissing back!

Wait am I falling for Uriah!

-A/N Two updates in one day!! I'm so happy about how this story is going and I hope you guys are too! Love you pansycakes 😘😘😘😘😘

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