Forgive and Forget

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Once I got out of Lauren's grip I started running after Bea. I ran all the way around the school until I found Christina hugging a very depressed Bea!
"Tris! I'm so sorry!" I scream running towards Christina who turned around with Bea and started walking the other way. Once I'm able to catch up with them, I see that not only Bea was crying but Christina's eyes were red and puffy too!
"How could Four do this to me! We were so happy! I don't care if we were just dating for a couple of days, I really loved him, and I still do!" Bea managed to get out before balling crying again!
Oh my god! She actually loves me, and I let one little accident ruin that!
"I love you too Beatrice Mckenzie Prior!" I scream before running back to the school.

📝📝📝In 1st period📝📝📝

As I walk into class, I see that Bea finally came back to class. Since I sit next to her, maybe I can get her to talk to me.
"Hey Bea, can we talk after school?" I whisper to her so nobody could hear our conversation.
"Okay, fine, just don't bring Lauren!" She whispered back kind of sassy!

🕧🕧🕧 After School🕧🕧🕧

"What do you want?!?" Bea snapped at me once we got outside of the school building.
"I want to explain. When Lauren was walking up to us, I didn't know that she would do that. When she kissed me, I tried to get out of her grip but she was holding on too tight. I am so sorry for hurting you, and I want you to know that I love you and I know you love me too! You don't have to forgive me now, but I will wait because I love you and I can't date anyone else besides you." I tried so hard to fight back tears but it didn't work because after I finished talking, I burst into tears!
"Oh Tobias, don't cry, I love you so much and I do forgive you and I do take you back!" Bea exclaimed sweetly as she crashed her lips on mine!

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