Old Chapter Archive

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This is where all old chapters are stored. (sans 6, 7, 8 becuz they got deleted) I've decided to include them here in case anyone wants a look into the past, and because, even though this writing is particularly cringey, I like looking back on it to see how I've improved. I'll keep adding as rewrites come out, up to chapter 17.

<3 Soe, enjoy :>

1: River? No thanks

Tango had redstone block, as he liked to call it. He was working on a new machine with Mumbo, and today he couldn't seem to wrap his head around the complexities of the redstone. He decided a stroll through the jungle would clear his head.

"See ya!" he said to Mumbo. "Later," he heard his mustached friend respond as he closed the door.

Mumbo's hobbit hole was serene, but Tango decided he would prefer to walk through the less inhabited jungle. He equipped his elytra and flew to where he could just make out the smoke from Stress' chimney.

A river rushed nearby. A noise like this sounds calming, but to Tango it was stressful. Just one drop of water could cause his skin to be red and itchy for days, with him being a nether demon and all. Water was so unnecessarily cold too. He walked further from the sound.

Tango heard rustling behind him, he flicked his small tail nervously.

"Wh-Who's there?" Tango stuttered.

A figure stepped out from behind a tree. But Tango instantly recognizes his light green tee and messy dark brown hair, which was full of leaves for some reason. 

"Iskall! You almost gave me a heart attack... Iskall...?" His Swedish friend didn't answer, approaching with a blank stare in his eyes. Wait, his eyes weren't their usual green! They were bright red. Almost as red as Tango's one eyes. 

Then, Iskall levitated a few feet off the ground, surrounded by a pink aura.

He floated closer, and Tango ignited his hand in a deep red flame. He didn't want to hurt his friend, or burn down the forest for that matter, but just in case.

"W-What's goin' on buddy?" Tango asked nervously, but he was trying to stay calm. He started backing away from Iskall who, in a voice unlike his own, responded to his question.

"Just terminating a threat." Iskall's lips pulled into a wicked grin.

Iskall reached his arm out, levitating Tango and surrounding him in an aura too. Usually, when Iskall lifted another hermit, they could move around freely in the air. Tango was locked in place.

"PUT ME DOWN!" Tango struggled against Iskall.

"ISKALL YOU BIRD BRAIN! PUT! ME! DOWN!" Iskall just smiled.

Tango tried to look down and his eyes widened in fear. Iskall was floating him toward the river.

"Stop! Stop it Iskall! You know I can't swim!" Iskall didn't stop, he chuckled at his friend's panic stricken face.

There had to be someone nearby! Tango shouted for help, over and over. He quivered. He was now directly over the river.

The pink aura dissipated.

Tango let out a mortifying shriek as he plummeted into the water.

Iskall collapsed.

2: Hearing screams

Grian stepped out of his hobbit house to get a breath of fresh air. He'd been cooped up all day, and the jungle leaves were especially green this time of year.

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