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3 days later
Carlisle POV
It's been three days' since I bit Anna and brought her here 3 day's and she still hasn't woken up on the third day I hear her heart stop and knew she turned. Me, Esme and Edward made our way into the room that she was in and waited, not even 10 mins later blood red eyes opened.

Anna POV

All I felt was pain, but I couldn't scream in agony it was like my body was shutting down the fast pace of my heart slowing down and then nothing but then boom my eyes were open I looked around the medical room and saw 3 people standing there 2 men and a woman.
"Hello Anna, do you remember me? I was your doctor. It me dr. Carlisle" Carlisle said I looked at him and nodded and said a soft ""yeah" "Do you remember what happened?" He asked "Yeah, it was painful I couldn't breathe the disease was killing me" I said he nodded "Yes, it was but I have this gift you might say do you believe in vampires?" He asked I looked at him weirdly at the weird question uncertainty I slowly nodded my head.

"Well Anna, were vampires" Carlisle said I looked shocked at that, vampires were a myth, and my doctor was one? That's crazy "And I used my venom to turn you into one of us" he said I looked at him and nodded my head I looked around and I could see everything clearer I could hear everything clearer, and I loved it the sounds of the animals running around the forest and the birds chirping it brought her happiness. She looked back a Carlisle and smiled "Thank you, thank you so much for this new life of mine" she said as she got up and hugged him not knowing her newborn strength Carlisle grunted before laughing " I forgot to tell you newborns are super strong." He said I quickly let go I looked at the other two

 "Oh yes, this is my wife Esme" he said. I looked at the woman who had reddish hair a heart shaped face golden eye's and motherly vibe I nodded at her "Nice to meet you" I said softly she smiled not talking just worked and brought me into a hug which I couldn't help but hug back pulling away I looked to the male "And this is my Son Edward I turned him in 1918 he died from the Spanish flu also" Carlisle said my head perked up before looking at Edwards again so we both died from the same thing? So, he was 18 and I was 17 I couldn't help but smile. All of a sudden, I felt the burning sensation in my throat "You're hungry" Edward said I looked at him shocked that he understood "I can read minds" he said
I nodded shocked

 "Yes, some people bring strong characteristic to this new life, and they're developed. "Carlisle said "latter we will find out if you have powers but first let's get you fed." 

Carlisle said we all ran. Through the forest running fast through it I couldn't help but laugh at the feeling of being free instead of being in a hospital bed. I look behind and see everyone smiling we went a couple miles away before we all stopped. "Now I want you to close your eyes and telling me what you smell." Carlisle said I nodded and closed my eyes and opening my ears few minutes later my head turned to the left hearing the deer before taking off I stalked it before striking hearing it cry out and panic, I started to panic too and started to let out a cry before letting the animal go, I sat there on my knees as I watched the deer run away. What felt like years was only 2 minutes when I felt someone place a hand on my shoulder.

I look over and see Esme and everyone. Carlisle came over "What happened Anna?" He asked, "Idk Carlisle" I said crying, but the tears wouldn't fall "I was doing fine about too drink from it, but I could feel whatever they felt and then my body did the same thing" I said staring at my hands he smiled at me before shaking his head "Well at least we know what your gift is" he said I looked at him "What is it?" I asked 

"Well, my dear you have the power of animal empath it's when you can sense the emotional state of animals on a basic level such as fear, anger, happiness, or pain. But with development I bet you will be able to manipulate animals and communicate with them. It's a very powerful gift I'm almost jealous" he said laughing I laughed along with him 

"Now let's get back to hunting." He said I nodded. Who knew I would get a power like this? It's amazing!

Hi y'all again it's me Carrie! I hope your enjoying let me know what you think!

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