Chapter 6

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It was Friday the end of school, the day Anna and Rose had been dreading the day that Bella swan comes over to be introduced to the family. The whole family was in the kitchen cooking Italiano for dinner everyone laughing as they made food from a cooking channel. Rose was even participating but it was only because she didn't want to disappoint her family which would never happen.

Jasper was standing behind Anna as she grated the cheese making sure she didn't hurt herself even though she's dead and nothing could hurt her and smiled. When he saw her smiling the atmosphere was great it was relaxing but even then, good things come to an end Rosalie being Rosalie made a big smart remark "Is she even Italian?" she questioned annoyed. "Well babe her name is Bella" was Ems remark. I shot him a dirty look before looking to Rose who winked seeing the look, I gave him before leaning back tilting my head and looking up at Jazz and puckered my lips he laughed as he leaned his face down to mine placing a soft kiss which made my insides boil.

"Yeah, because that means anything big brother" I said he looked at me and smirked

Esme getting excited "ooof, get a whiff of that, here comes the human" Rosalie said they all made their way over as they waited for the two guests to appear jasper stood behind her his arms wrapped around his waist finding comfort knowing that his bloodlust was far away with his love in his arms that bloodlust felt miles away.

Few minutes later both Edward and Bella were in front of them Esme made her way over to Bella her motherly smile appearing on her face before going in for a hug and the awkward Bella didn't know what to do which made Anna roll her eyes Esme pulls away

"Bella! we're making Italiano for you" she said "Oh" was the response Bella gave talk about being awkward I thought. I look over at Edward who started talking. "Bella, this is Esme our mother for all intents and purposes." he said introducing Esme to Bella "You've given us an excuse to use the kitchen for the first time" Carlisle says. "I hope you hungry" Esme responds smiling. "Yeah, absolutely" Bella nods "She already ate." Edward stated which cause Rose to smash the bowl that was in her hands.

"Perfect" she sneered at the human glaring "Yeah it just I know you guys don't eat..." Bella starts "Of course that's very considerate of you" Esme reassures her " Yeah, let's just keep pretending like this isn't dangerous for all of us" Rose snaps I looked over at rose before placing a comforting hand on her arm which made her look at Anna and smiled "I would never tell anybody anything" Bella say's " She knows that we all do" Carlisle says trying to diminish the tension "Yeah well, the problem is you two went public now, so.." Emmett said there was silence before Rose spoke up "No, she should know. The entire family will be implicated if this ends badly" which made me tense and start to get nervous jasper runs his hands down her thighs and back up comforting her. " Badly as i become the meal" everyone laughs besides Rose. For that tense minute Alice and Noah finally decided to enter into the house with Alice skipping over to Bella "Hello, bella I'm Alice!" she said hugging her "Oh you do smell good" she said "Alice? really?" Edward say's "Don't worry me and Bella will be great friends' Alice assures him. We turned to Noah who just gave a nod. "And that's Noah he's a bit rough around the edges but he'll soon come around" Carlsile said.

Bella looks everyone over before they landed on the two Jasper and Anna Jasper holding his breath while Anna smiles softly comforting her mate.

"Sorry Jasper is our newest vegetarian. It's a little hard for him" Carlisle explains Bell nodded "It's a pleasure to meet you" Jasper struggles to say Anna leans back against him her smell comforting him. Bella just nodded before landing her eyes on me "Hello, I'm Anna Jaspers wife and Ems sister but you already know that" I said with a true smile she nodded "Nice to meet you" Bella says there's an awkward silence at the moment which Edward picked up on. "Right well I'm going to show Bella the house." Edward says before looking at Bella and dragging her out of the room. "Cute" Alice says I nod still unsure about it I look away from where they disappeared and saw Esme directing Rose to clean the mess up. I shook my head laughing he laughs too I walked over and help her out

In her room she was drawing in her art book when her door opened and in popped Alice, "Hey there's going to be a storm you in?" "Hell, yeah I am when did I ever miss a game?" I said she laughed "never" she said before leaving. I shake my head at her excitement before getting up and stripping my cloths and entered the bathroom as I was about to enter the shower I heard the door to our bedroom open I poked my head out and saw Jasper enter not waiting I got in the shower and started to rinse off not a moment later Jasper enters and strips himself before hopping in and wrapping his arms around me and pulling my back against his front his cock rubbing my ass causing me to moan which made him smirk "You did good today" I said smiling at him he smiled back "I only did it because I knew if I was a good boy I would get laid" he said sheepishly I laughed "you don't need help in that department" they both laugh and had a couple steamy sex in the shower.

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