Chapter 3

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It's been 10 months since we've been at school and 3 days ago Alice had a vision that Edwards mate would be coming to forks in the next coming of days. Edward was happy about finally not being mate less but upset that she is human we were all at a disagreement. I was with Rosalie on not getting close to her to keep our secret safe Jasper as well since he has trouble controlling his thirst.

It was the next day of school and so far, everything was going great but great can only last so long. We were at the car waiting for the rest before heading in, we were on our way to lunch when I saw a girl with brown eyes stare at us. Emmett and Rose enter first "Who are they?" a voice asks those Jessica Stanly stops her convo and looks at her and says "The Cullen's" she says nosily like a freaking weasel I can't help but want to punch her Jasper seeing this he slaps my butt "Behave" he said deeply I look at him nodded my head in embarrassment as the others laughed, as we wait for our turn

"They're um, Dr. Cullen's foster kids. They moved down here from Alaska, like, a few years ago. They kind of keep to themselves." she says "Yeah because there all together like together, together. So the blonde girl Rosalie is with the dark-haired guy, Emmett, they're like a thing. I'm not even sure that's legal "We all chuckled hearing that but kept talking like we weren't listening I heard a girl with glass defend us which is nice. "Jess they're not actually related." "Yeah, but they live together. It's weird" "Okay so the little dark haired girl that's Alice, she's really weird" I heard that I was about to say something snarky but Jazz kissed me before I could turning it into a heated make out "Eww knock it off you two" Emmett says smirking "She's with the dark haired one who looks like he hates everyone that's Noah" "Last but not least Anna she's the platinum blonde girl, fiery, fierce and she's with the honey blonde Jasper who looks like he's in pain but don't try to mess with Anna though some guy tried to flirt with her and Jasper lost his shit it took Emmett to stop it. They are very affectionate to each other and when I mean very affectionate I mean it." she say's I smirk "Jasper never leaves her side oh and another thing Rose and Jasper are twins and Emmett and Anna are siblings." she said lunch continued on Edward being the dramatic person he is I thought as he entered he looked at me giving me a dirty look from my thought and I couldn't help but giggle that giggle stopped when I saw the brown haired girl starring him down, Jasper noticed my change in feelings knew it was something he turned around noticeably and saw the girl Bella staring Edward down as Edward stared back. I looked at Jasper and he looked back as we communicated with our eyes "Why do I feel like this is going to end in disaster?" "That's because nothing good ever happens when a human is involved" Rose said disgustingly. I nodded agreeing as we both gave dirty looks but Rose more than me.

It was the end of the school day and there's one thing I hate and that is being right I couldn't help but feel nervous Edward came speeding over to us at human speed "She's the one" he said I shook my head as I got into the back seat of Emmett's jeep and slammed the door. I look over and saw Emmett get in the front seat as I heard the rest still talking with Edward "Everything's going to be alright sis" he said placing his comforting hand on my shoulder I nodded but was still worried. I looked out the window at Jasper just seeing him standing there makes me calm and happy him feeling my emotions he looked at me giving me his famous smirk before getting in the seat beside me wrapping an arm around my shoulder and placing a kiss on my neck before whispering "Don't look at me that way you know what it does to me" he takes my hand and places it on his clothed cock I nodded smiling shyly and he let out a laugh god I love this man.

The following day didn't go as planned Edward found his mate that is human, and he left for Denali in Alaska and here we are dealing with her curiousness and looking for Edward. Jasper being the loving mate that he was distracted his mate but even he too was getting annoyed.

Emmett being the best brother he is did everything in his power to make her laugh. The week went smoothly and Edward decided to come back Saturday me and Em were at the table playing a game of poker. I looked down at my hand and saw I had a royal flush Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10 I looked up at Em and kept a straight face but he was exposing his and knew I was going to win I was grabbing all my chips when someone picked me up, sat down on the chair and placed me on my lap, I hid my cards as I turned to see my mate. I looked down at my cards again as I felt lips on my forehead, I looked at my brother smirking,  placed my cards down "Royal flush" I said I saw his face drop and his cards also I looked at them and saw he had 2 3s of hearts 7 of spades and 1 club I couldn't help but let out a laugh "Haha, you lost again!" Not fair you cheated" he said. "It's not cheating dear brother I just know how to play the game and besides your player face gave it away" he huffed and flipped the table breaking it "now now em no need to get mad Esme going to have your ass" I laughed I looked at Jasper who just smirked and kissed the side of my cheek.

Anna the mate of the major BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now