Chapter 7

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Baseball Americas favorite past time the best game to play in stormy weather Anna, Carlisle, Noah, and Emmett toss the ball around, while jasper spins his bat his eyes watching his mate talk to Alice, Rose, and Esme as they waited for Edward and Bella. Once they both arrived the players stopped there playing and sped their way over to them. "Glad you're here. We need an empire." Esme says, "She thinks we cheat" Em said, "Oh I know you cheat your sister as well" I looked up before smiling "In my defense I had no choice in being this one's sister" she said they all laughed and Em pouted "Call em as you see em Bella" Esme instructs Bella nods "Alright" "It's time" Alice announces, getting everyone hyped up. They quickly split into two teams Edward Alice, Emmett and Anna on one team and Rose, Carlisle Alice, Noah and Jasper on the other Jasper pouted knowing he wasn't on his mate team Anna saw this and went up to him "play good baby" she said kissing him he watched her leave but not before slapping her butt which she squealed before running away before taking his place everyone was laughing Bella just had an embarrassment look on her face.

First up is Rose as she takes her position to bat, she gets in her ready position and swings the bat hitting the ball. Edward quickly runs after the ball as Rose speeds around the bases Edward gets the ball quickly throwing it back towards home plate. They go back to the field and saw that Esme caught the ball "Heck yeah! that's what I'm talking about nice catch em!" Anna said Jasper smiles at how happy his mate is.

"You're out" Bella says "Out! woo!" em cheers. much to his mate's dismay. "Babe come on it's just a game."

"Nice kitty" Carlisle said I laughed he moves to home base seeing he was the next to bat. Carlisle swings but it doesn't go as far as when Rosalie hit it. As Edward and Emmett reach for the ball they both clash into each other creating a loud sound that could be compared to boulders falling down a mountain.

"You idiots!" Anna growls "I'm never being on your guy's team again" Anna said "come on sis" the boys complained your our best player we need you." They said trying to talk me into being on their team again I just shook my head as I watched my baby play. Next up was Jasper, who sends a wink towards Anna which if she was alive, she would blush. She watches as he hits the ball causing it to fly high in the air. Emmett climbs a nearby tree catching it and throwing it to home plate causing Jasper to get out.

Anna sped over to Jasper and kisses him "Sorry you got out baby" she kisses him again "better?" I asked he laughed before whispering in her ear "You can make it up to me later" placing his hand on her butt giving it a squeeze. She laughed before her brother gave out a smart remark "Anna stop kissing with the enemy!" Em says she rolls her eyes and makes her way back to her spot but before she could get there Alice freezes having a vision "Stop!" Alice yells suddenly, causing everyone to look worried

"I thought you said they left?" Rose says nervously even though she hates Bella, she doesn't want her to die "They were leaving, then they heard us." Alice say's with worry. Edward starts freaking out "Let's go I should have never brought you here." he said as they turned to leave "It's too late" Carlisle said "Get your hair down and stay by me" Edward instructs.

"Like that'll help I could smell her from across the field." Rose scoffs Anna getting the feeling she started to feel worried she made her way to Jaspers side, and he wraps his arms around her feeling her worried and offering comfort she placed her hand on his chest as the other wraps around his waist as they wait for the new arrival.

Not even 1 minute later 3 nomads show up the one she recognized and the other two she didn't must have been a part of their coven she saw James look at her before his eyes rank her body Jasper seeing the interaction growls and hiss at him while hiding her more behind him.

"I believe this is yours" Laurent muses he had black hair with dreads. Was holding up their ball and throws it to Carlisle, who easily catches it. "Thank you" Carlisle nods "I am Laurent, and this is Victoria and James" Laurent introduces "I'm Carlisle and this is my family I'm afraid your hunting parties have caused something of a mess for us" Carlisle said.

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