Character introduction!

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Anna McCarty (Now Cullen)

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Anna McCarty (Now Cullen)

born 1918


Brother: Emmett McCarty/Cullen

Eyes: Brown(human)red(newborn)

gold (animal drinker)

Black (thirsty)

Died 1936 of influenza.

Mate: Jasper Whitlock (Cullen)

Powers: (Animal empathy, Animal manipulation)

Hobbies: Musicals, drawing, reading

Likes: Cullen family, her brother, her mate, and rose, Wildlife

Likes: Cullen family, her brother, her mate, and rose, Wildlife

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Name: Jasper Whitlock

Age: 19

Eye's: Red (newborn)

gold (animal drinker)

black (thirsty)

Height: 6'3

Hair color: Blonde

Length: to shoulder

Mate: Anna McCarty(cullen)

Best friend: Alice

Powers: Empath

Hobbies: History, reading, cowboys, western days

Likes: Cullens, his mate Anna and his (sister) Rose

Dislikes: Bella, when people threaten his family

Dislikes: Bella, when people threaten his family

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Emmett McCarty (Cullen)

Biological sister (Anna)

Born: 1915

Age: 20

Eyes Brown (Human)

Gold (Vampire)

Black (thirsty)

Height: 6'5

Hair color: Black

Length: Short

Mate: Rosalie

Powers: Super strength

Hobbies: Videogames, sports

Likes: Anna, Cullens, his mate Rose

Likes: Anna, Cullens, his mate Rose

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Rosalie Hale Cullen

Age: 18

Born: 1915

Eyes gold (vampire)

Black (thirsty)

Height: 5'5

Hair color: Blonde

Length: long

Mate: Emmett

Best friend: Anna

Powers: enhanced beauty?

Likes: Anna, Cullens, her mate, Jasper

Hates: Bella

Noah Anthony Cullen

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Noah Anthony Cullen

Age: 20

Birth date: 1915

Eye's:  Gold (animal blood drinker)

Black: Thirsty

Hair: Blonde

Length: to his ears

Mate: Alice

Best friend: Alice?

Powers: Shadow caller??

Like: Cullen family, his mate Alice

Dislikes: Humans

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