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It was 1936 when Emmett's sister came down with influenza both Emmett and Anna were running and relaxing outside when anna started coughing horribly then she started coughing up blood Emmett picked up his sister and ran home in panic.

"Mom!" Emmett called their mom Sarah who heard her son came running into the room turning to panic mode when she saw her daughter limp and unresponsive, she rushed over "Emmett what happened?" Idk momma we were just running around and relaxing and then all of a sudden she started coughing and then coughing blood." Emm said 

The mother being overly worried thinking horrible things she rushed out to the car with em behind her Em took the wheel while she held her baby girl arriving at the hospital the doctors came out and grabbing the girl and placing her on a stretcher and rolling her into the hospital. Later that night the family found out that Anna had come down with influenza and there was nothing they could do for her. The parents who were devastated cried and the brother went ballistic. But it was a good thing Carlisle was there because at least she had a chance to live because he was the best.

9:45 am 3 days' after finding out that their daughter had influenza

 There laying in the hospital bed was none other than Anna McCarty sick with the Spanish flu like everyone else. She was Emmett's beloved sister, and next to her holding her hand was her brother Emmett who tried putting on a brave face but couldn't and she saw it. Placing a hand on his cheek and looked at him with a smile on her face
"It's okay em everything will be okay." She told him he nodded bring her hand up to his lips and kisses it.
"So how was hunting?" She asked he laughed "It went well as it ever could me and dad are chasing after a grizzly bear, but it keeps escaping but we'll catch it he said determined she smiled knowing he will catch it "You'll catch it big brother, I know you will" I said confidently. We both smiled at each other "We should play cards!" Anna said excitedly Emmett not being able to say no to his sister he went and got a deck of cards before sitting up a table on the bed helped her sit up and he sat across from her. They had a bunch of fun there. Their parents were watching them through the door before going back to the doctor to talk Emmett and Anna were having fun, but their parents came in "'Em Hun come on time to go home"

Their mom Sarah said coming over and placing a kiss on her daughter's head "I love you so much Anna" she said hugging her tightly before her dad came over and did the same thing. They left the room waiting for 'Em, Em being hesitant in leaving knowing something was going to happen but went to his sister anyway he took her arm and wrapped a red band around it. She looked down at it before looking back up "I uh, made it for you" he said scratching his head she excitedly got up and hugged him "Thank you so much" she said pulling away "I have one too" he said showing the red band on his wrist "that no matter in any life we will always find each other" he said hugging her and kissing her one last time before leaving the room little did he know that would be the last time he saw her. 

It was 12am when the heart monitor went off all the nurses ran into Anna's room trying everything, they could to save her, but the flu was too harsh on her body.

Carlisle came rushing in checking to see if he could do anything medically but there was nothing he could do everyone who got it died his own son Edward had it and he had to turn him that was in 1918 knowing that she still had a life she needed to fill he went over to her bed made sure no one was in the room and bit her neck, he picked her up carried her out of the hospital and to his car placing her in the back seat laying down, he got in the passenger seat an drove off to his home upon reaching it he stopped the car grabbed the girl and rushed her into his medical room placing her on the table. Esme came in and placed a hand on his shoulder "you did a good thing Carlisle' she said smiling at him he smiled back and nodded his head now all they had to do was wait.

Hi! hope you like it so far let me know what you think!

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