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Today was the first day of school, Em and Rosalie started off as seniors as me, Alice, Jasper, Noah and Edward started off as juniors. Me and Jasper had all classes together since only I can calm him and also, we have never been separated. We arrived at the parking lot and got out, first it was Em and Rose then it was Noah and Alice they were holding hands as they exited the car. Then it was Jasper and I Jasper got out and I could already see him tense he offered a hand to me which I took a hold of it and help me out of the car he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me close with my 4'9 petit frame I looked small compared to him with his build and 6'3 height but I found it sexy "You need to control yourself love or I'll take you right here and now" he whispered into my ear as he gave my ass a slap before taking my hand and following everyone else Rose heard the conversation and winked at me and I winked back at her now my brother on the other hand well he wasn't happy but he couldn't do anything since were "Married" to humans were as close as siblings but to us

I'm Jaspers woman and we can do whatever we want to each other. Last but not least Edward left the car in a smooth way that made the girls swooned by him which made me laugh I couldn't help but get jealous when I saw the girls faces when they looked at my Jasper, Jasper sensing his mates jealously he whispered in her ear "I only want you" I looked at him and kissed him on the lips we all entered the school and went to our classes in every class me and Jasper sat in the back and we couldn't keep our hands to ourself every time I would try to pay attention he would place a hand on my thigh and kiss my neck.

Classes went by fast, and it was finally lunch time, me and Jasper waited by the car for the rest of the fam since we didn't want to walk in the lunchroom alone Jasper being the touchy-feely one pushed me gently up against the car kissing me passionately as his hands explored my body. I broke the kiss, and he just went to my neck "Jazz, stop" him not liking that answer he continued I let out a soft moan when I hear "Jasper knock it off" Jasper pulled away and we both look over and saw Rose there with a stern look. He backed off but kept his hand on my ass giving it a squeeze " Come on let's go" Rose said and we all went to the lunchroom Rose and Em went first, then it was Alice and Noah, then it was me and Jasper I could feel Jasper tense at the smells of the humans, but I reached up and placed a kiss on his cheek distracting him.

Me, Rose and Alice sat at the table while the boys went and got us "Lunch" I took out a fashion magazine and me,Rose and Alice were looking through it when I heard the boy's coming back, we all split apart as the boys took their spots. First it was Em and Rose then me and Jasper sat across from Emm and Rose and Alice sat next to me and Noah on her side then Edward, Jasper pulled my chair closer to him and wrapped an arm around me as he gave the boys dirty looks. I let out a soft giggle which snapped his attention back onto me, and he just looked at me with love. Lunch went great, all of us was chatting and laughing it was great, that was until one of the boys came over and hit on me "Hey sweetheart what's your name?" I looked at him not pleased that he interrupted my conversation with Jasper "Uh it's Anna and you?" I asked him uninterested "Well I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime?" he asked I smiled at him politely when I felt Jasper grip me closer "Uh no thanks I have a boyfriend and I don't think he will like that." I said 'Boyfriend? Who's that? not the guy next to you that's for sure."

Jasper having heard enough he got up and the chair slid down hitting the floor he got up in the guy's face "Back off she said she wasn't interested so leave her alone." I stepped Infront of Jazz placing my hand on his cheek getting him to look at me "Hey, hey look at me it's okay everything is okay" I told him he looked at me his body untensed I turned around and faced the guy who didn't take no for an answer "I said I wasn't interested now you're getting my boyfriend all rounded up this conversation is over" Emm not liking the situation got up and stood in front of me blocking me from the guy "You leave my sister alone or I will end you" he threatened the guy shook in his knees. I grabbed Jasper's hand and walked out of the school to the car fuck school I thought me and Jasper only had free period left, so we stood at the car flirting back and forth sharing kisses and touches while we waited for the rest of the crew It was a long day that's for sure.

Anna the mate of the major BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now