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It's been 20 years! world record nah not really, we all been going to college ugh I hate school! I decided on college in Alaska! Some animal program I forgot, Rose and Emm followed me since Emm doesn't want me out of his sight and Rose because we're besties we were in our dorm room when there was a knock on the door I got up and answered it opening the door I saw my friend Nikki, Rose doesn't like any humans which is fine but me? There alright makes me feel normal.

"Hey what are you doing here" I asked "oh I'm stopping by is Rose and Emm in I look back to see them cuddling looking back "uh yeah there busy atm" I said she nodded "well I guess we will hang another time" I nodded "yeah sure it sounds fun" I said after she left I closed the door and went over to my bed and fell on it "I'm lonely" I said " just wait Anna you'll meet your mate" Rose said "yeah you will but he will have to go through me to get Ya!" Emm said excitedly I shook my head "whatever" in three days we were heading home which I was happy! I get to see dad and mom and Eddie! The next couple of days Rose and I hung out, went shopping spending a hell of a lot of money and having Emm carry it. It was the day before we had to leave me, Rose and Emm were packing our bags to go home which I couldn't wait I sped around the room getting everything together in 5 mins same with Emm and Rose we all decided that instead of waiting for tomorrow to go we go today! We placed our stuff in the car and hopped in and sped home upon reaching home I ran inside but stopped when I smelt knew vampires, Emm quickly coming up since he smelled them too followed by Rose.

"Ah Anna, Rose, and Emmett welcome back how was college?" Carlisle asked, "It was good glad that it's over." I spoke "Why do I smell new vampires?" I asked he laughed "That's because there is, they came to us a couple days ago the one girl Alice had a vision that they'd join us in the future and here they are."

After he said that I heard 3 pairs a step the first pair of steps was a petit fairy looking girl with short black hair she looked like she was a bundle of joy "Hi" she said excitedly jumping up and down coming over to hug me shocked by the sudden hug before hugging her back "It's nice to meet you too Alice" I said smiling next was a man a bit taller than she was he had black locks and gold eyes and a nice jawline very stand offish though more than Alice who was bubbly perfect combo. "Hello I'm Noah it's nice to meet you" he said in a deep voice I nodded "Pleasure is all mine" I told him smiling my eyes shifted to the guy who was almost as tall as Emmett had golden eyes jaw length hair a good build not like Emmett but still good enough for me, I stared into his eyes, and it felt like everything just connected like I found my other half he looked back at me and his face held shock but he stared me down. He came over to me took my hand into his

"The names Jasper ma'am" he said in his southern accent which made my dead heart flutter Snapping out of it "My names Anna and it's a pleasure to meet you" I said smiling he brought my hand up to his lips and kissed the back of it "The pleasure is all mine darling" he said if my face could blush it would he's just so sexy and handsome and his accent is just ughhh, I heard Edward chuckle and we both looked over to him "Stop reading my mind Eddie!" I scolded him he laughed "I can't help it your thoughts are very vulgar about jasper" hearing him say that out loud I was embarrassed I raced out of the house and into the woods but not before hearing Emm talk some sense into him, I made my way to my spot and sat on a log listening to the animals and the birds it was 5 mins by myself when I felt another presence I looked over and saw it was Jasper I turned my head away quickly as he sat down on the log beside me. "There's no need to be embarrassed I had some lewd thoughts about you." he said embarrassedly looking away I looked at him and smiled gently.

"So, Jasper where are you from?" I asked he smiled I was born My name is Jasper Whitlock I was born in 1842 in Houston Texas I was the youngest major in the Calvery, even though I never been in any war, I was escorting women out when I met a woman Maria she said I'd be useful for her and bit me on the neck" he pulled down his shirt and I saw a half-moon shaped bite "She thought since I was a major she would have me train her newborns army" he said I looked at him "New Borns?" I question he nodded and smiled "Yeah in the south they were common Maria used them to take over lands, she would never let them live past there 1st year of being turned so she used me to kill them, now I have the power of empath so whenever I killed one I felt everything they felt it was horrible, I'm a monster and I don't deserve someone as you as a mate." he said as he got up and walked away I thought for a moment before speeding to him and hugging him tightly "That's who you were in the past Jazz you wouldn't do it again" I said pulling back and looking up at his face he looked down at me before placing a hand under my chin lifting my face closer to his and placed his lips on mine giving me a sweet kiss that made me smile. I pulled away from his grasp which I felt empty like I have been waiting for him.

"Your, not the only empath here Major" I said smirking he looked shocked I laughed "Instead of human mine are animals" I said he looked amazed hearing that I can manipulate them into doing what I want I can communicate with them, and I can feel everything they feel I'm still working on that because whenever I hunt it's still painful." I said as I walked around the forest as I used my powers to control the birds to fly around  me and then they left. I turned back to Jasper and saw only an impressive look. He sped to me, pulled me into his arms and looked lovingly at me "You are an amazing woman" he said I smiled at him before placing a kiss on his lips "You will never have to feel that pain ever again" he said I smiled but had a confused look "I'll hunt every time for you, I will support you and I will do everything in my power for you" he said my heart fluttered hearing that. I grabbed his hand as we both made our way back to the house happy that we found each other.

Anna the mate of the major BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now