Chapter 1(MATURE)

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It's been 2 decades since me and Jasper have married, we traveled just us for two years before coming back to the Cullens who were located in forks Washington it was the year 2005. Everyone was either in their rooms or in the living room besides Anna who was walking through the woods on the Cullens territory since we aren't allowed on quilette territory. Everyone knew that's where she always was nature was her thing her own personal bubble. She was walking alone when she felt someone grab her knowing who it was, she flipped above him and ended up behind him and spinning him to face her she wrapped an arm around his head his head and pulling it towards hers and kissing him passionately.

MATURE! Skip if not interested in smut! forewarning

He growled as he pushed her into a tree and attacked her lips in a passionate kiss wrapping his arms around her waist. He picks her up scratching her back as her back rose up the tree, legs wrapping around his waist. He broke the kiss and led a trail of kisses across her jaw and down her neck leaving marks getting annoyed with her shirt he ripped it off shredding it along with her bra placing his hands on her breast then traced them down my stomach to my pants, unbuttoning them and sliding a hand in as he kisses and sucks my neck. He spreads my lips before sticking one of his fingers into my bud as he continued to attack my neck. Throwing my head back against the tree and letting out a loud moan hearing the moan, he took it as permission to continue his assault on my pussy. Moving his finger in and out of my aching hole at vampire speed. Moaning in pleasure as his finger works wonder on my hole. He led his hand up to my breast and gripping it hard, pulling and twisting it, overcome with emotion my hips buckled against his finger. Jasper was getting bored with one finger so he added another that he knew would make his woman pleasure spike and just like he thought he felt her orgasm come to the top about to fall but being the evil monster that he is he pulled his hand out. I let out a whimper from the sudden loss of his finger. He moved us to another tree and slammed me up against another breaking it the tree falling us following a long not noticing the fallen tree he slammed his lips back on my lips in a deep kiss, he slid his tongue into my mouth as his hand continue their attack on my breast stopping his attack he slid his hands down to my pants unbuttoning them quickly and pulling them off. The cold air hitting my legs made me moan out in pleasure. " I don't think it's fair that I'm barely naked and your still fairly clothed her hands trailed her hands down his clothed chest and went under his shirt and removing it swiftly and quickly tossing it on the floor. She flipped them around so now she was on top of him she trailed kisses down his neck leaving dark marks. Kissing down to his chest and taking a nipple in-between her teeth and tugging on it. Him moaning edge me on kissing down his chest, trailing my tongue down his abs to the top of his pants. Bending down and unbuttoning the button and pulling his pants down and pulling them off. Before I could do anything else he flipped us again he places his lips on mine a passionate and sweet kiss that turned heated both done with cloths both of us worked quickly in taking the rest of with our vampire speed before I was slammed up against another three knocking that one down too, falling to the forest floor rolling on it with him on top again before another heated kiss started up. His naked body felt so warm against mine. Kissing me feverishly he grinned his member against my core, making me thrust my hips up in need of friction. Looking into my eyes he lines his cock up with my aching hole, taking my arms and raising them above my head and holding them there before he entered me filling my bud with his huge cock, moaning in pleasure as my legs wrapped around his waist and pulling him deeper into me I looked up at him when he didn't start moving and saw him smirking "What do you say my sweet Anna?" he said leaning his face down to mine"...ple..ase...daddy I want you" he starts to thrust in and out at a slow pace before speeding up hitting my g-spot bringing his cock out besides his tip then slamming his cock back inside... laying flushed against me on the forrest floor continuing his hard thrusting. The only sounds that could be heard were our heavy moans and skin slapping against skin. He growls in my, ear pulling me close, and my nails leave drag down his back, "mhm, Anna you're so tight" I whimper my voice being lost. Feeling the knot in my stomach once again building up "Ohh gosh Jasper I..m al...most..the..ere." I moaned out "M..e... too don't cum until I say so." he continues his fast thrusting "Pl...ease....daddy.. let me come" I said moaning he lets out a grunt as he releases inside of me. Taking that as my signal I release also. Eyes rolling back into my head as my body convulse under Jasper." Taking unneeded breaths, I waited to for him to pull out, but he never did I opened my eyes and looked into his seeing his still full of lust. He starts thrusting into me chasing himself into another orgasm as I came three times at that. He finally pulls out before placing a kiss on my lips and laying down next to me holding me close as he placed kisses on my face. I look up to see him smiling "What are you smiling at?" I asked, "nothing really just my beautiful mate who looks so beautiful." the say's kissing me. After that we had a couple more rounds since, we never sleep, and it's been a while. ;)

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