Chapter 5

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The next day was a normal one and it was also a Thursday which would have been great but it wasn't because after school Bella was coming over to meet the family and everyone was anxious and nervous but happy to finally meet the one their son and brother love even though two of them disagreed, but one was angered at it the other was semi- angry but knew her brother was happy, so she'll let it slide.

Anna was out in the wood sitting on a log her head tilted backwards eye's clothed as she breathed in the fresh air that she didn't need and sighed in contempment. The birds chirping and animals rustling around and sounds of the Deers walking through the woods it was peaceful and she loved it. Being free was the best feeling anyone could have, and the woods gave her that being connected thoroughly to the forest and animals being connected as one. Her eyes opened and her head lifted as she felt the presence of someone close to her and it was a Prescence she didn't like. She looked over and saw red beady eye's staring into her gold like eyes.

She stood up in defense knowing that those eyes are the eyes of vampires that feed off of humans. They both didn't make startled movements but just eyed each other up next the nomad made their presence shown which was a male with blonde hair a bike riders' jacket and jeans no shirt.

"What do you want?" she asked startled the guy chuckled "Well hello there pretty lady, my names James and could I get the name of yours princess?" he said she thought about it before nodding " My names Anna Whitlock" she said "Well Anna that is a pretty name" he said she shivered inside and her nerves started to spike the animal sense her nerves and started to get rustled up.

 The guy sped closer and ran a finger down her cheek startling her "Your very pretty for a vampire was probably pretty as a human it's a shame someone else got to you before me oh wells that doesn't mean we can't have fun" he said smirking. She pulled back from him creating distance "I'm sorry but that won't happen I'm happily married to the man I love, and he wouldn't like someone else touching things that are his." she said her eye's squinting giving off her "Don't come near me or I'll beat you the fuck up face.

He chuckled "We shall see" was the last thing he said before he sped off. Snapping out of her thoughts she quickly sped her way home to the house. Jasper noticed her feelings was already at the door on the porch waiting for her she saw him standing there and sped into his arms her arms sliding around his waist as his right hand was tangled in her hair and the other was around her back 

"My love what's wrong?" he said concerned her eyes welled up with venom tears that wouldn't fall before she let out soft scared whimpers, he pulled her back before taking her face in his hand and rubbing his thumb on her cheek. "There are nomads here in forks, and they feed on humans I was out in the woods when an unknown presence showed up. I knew they were different because of the eyes his were red and it scared me not seeing red eyes before, he asked for my name which I gave him. I didn't tell him that it was Cullen but used your name for when we got married Whitlock I thought he would just go away but he came closer and ran a finger down my cheek before saying "That I was pretty and that it was a shame someone got me first but we could still have some fun, I told him I was happily married and that he doesn't like people touching what is his and he just smirked and ran off but not before saying" "we'll see" once she explained herself she saw a dark look on her mates face and knew the major was out to play. He looked into her eyes as he calmed her down before sticking his face in her neck and smelling her scent which calmed him down.

"Let's go tell Carlisle " he said she nodded as they both went into the house and explained the situation to the family. All of them were concerned for Anna since she hadn't really run into a nomad that fed on humans before because she was always in the woods. Esme came over and gave her a motherly hug which comforted her greatly before the rest did the same.

"I'm going to take her upstairs and get her to relax" Jasper said they all nodded before he scooped her up and sped to their bedroom "You know I could walk" she said he smirked "Where's the fun in that" he said upon reaching the room he set her on the bed before backing away "We should take a shower" he said she nodded and grabbed his hand as he led them into the shower stripping each other cloths slowly before hopping in there in each other's arms as the hot water ran down their body's her arms wrapped around his neck and his around her waist, their heads were place against each other before kissing softly. An hour later the shower was finished, and they both exited Jasper went over to his 1925, 78 rpm standard and put on some soft music as he watched his lover get in the bed he smiled before walking over holding a handout before bowing 

"May I have this dance?" he said being the gentleman he was she couldn't help but giggle as she placed her hand in his where it belonged. He pulled her up into his arms her wrapping around his neck, his on her waist and they moved in sequence and danced around the room spinning here and there they could do this for hours but the song had come to an end meaning the dance was over he felt her feeling again and saw she wasn't scared anymore but had lust, love, felt protected and happiness which made him smile knowing that he was the one that caused it and he would always protect her because she was his as he was hers and nothing would break that because in this moment this was them forever and no one would ruin it.

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