Chapter 4

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The next day
It was the next day of school, and it was the day of the field trip Em and rose were seniors, so they had to stay at school. The rest of us had to go on this field trip Me, Alice, Jasper, Noah and Edward were standing by the bus waiting to get on when we saw Bella talking to the guy named Mike. Edward being the nosy one listens in on their conversation me on the other hand could careless, I turned to Jasper who looked down at me before pulling me into his arm and hugging me. Sticking his face in my neck leaving a trial of kisses he pulls back and looks at me with a dark and seductive look before whispering into my ear

"Why do you have to look so sexy all the time you make me just want to take you right here." he said I giggled "not now hubby there's company" I said "so" he was going to into another kiss when the teacher called about permission slips. He let out a groan before pulling away and grabbing my hand as we made our way onto the bus. Arriving at the destination was amazing I couldn't take the smells of those humans. The day went on as usual nothing much besides Eddie being Eddie and bothering Bella and being his weird self Yesh just fuck her already, I thought before I got a mean look back, I held my hands up in front as a peace offering before taking Jasper's hand in mine again and continued our way through the green house.

Finally, back at school which I am surprised to be happy about it but it's probably because we get to go home me and Jasper split away from the people planning on ditching, we went over to his motorcycle Him getting on then holding a handout and helped me get on. I knew why we was ditching he couldn't wait any longer with that tint in his eyes not doing the speed limit he parked the bike in the middle of the woods swooping me off the bike and into his arms as he sped us to a spot, he set me down on my feet before smashing his lips on mine lighting a burning passion inside me. I slid my left arm at the back of his neck while my right hand was tangled in his silky honey blonde hair, tugging on it lightly causing a moan to vibrate into their kiss.


Moaning sliding out of her mouth when Jaspers hands slid their way down her shirt and under tracing his fingertips along her skin.

Not in the mood to take it slow we was both stripped from our cloths moaning as his hands slid down her naked body exploring her body that was his laying naked on the forest floor, he looked me in the eyes as his thick long cock entered me with a deep thrust, my body jerking at the sensation as my moans flew out of my mouth. My hands slid up into his hair pulling it before our lips reconnected in a passionate kiss his hips started moving, Jasper pulled out and pushed in again at a fast pace he watched as his soulmate became a moaning mess under him. Eyes squeezed shut, her back arched from the increased pleasure, mouth open as moans few out of her mouth. Jasper let out a sexual groan as her nails dug into her back and his manhood pushed inside her core. The moan that escaped his mouth only made Anna more aroused than she already was as she finally felt all of him. Legs wrapped around his waist tightening around his wasit pulling him closer as he continued to thrust in and out. 

"Annaaaa" Jasper moaned, being a vampire had it perks we could go on for hours and hours but this time it felt like he was going to lose me even though he knows he wouldn't. Anna could feel his thrust start to get sloppy knowing he was ready to bust the moment was short, but it felt like a long time feeling him spill his fill into me as I orgasmed all over his cock, Jasper pulled back and looked at me as he stayed inside me. 

"You are an amazing woman and I love you so much" he said smiling with love in his eyes she smiled at him as their foreheads touched " and I love you too my love"

Hours later and a couple more times Jasper and Anna exited the woods hooped on the bike and made their way home upon arriving she saw her brother Em waiting there along with Rose Emmett being Em sped his way over to her and picked her up and spinning her as Jasper just stood there smiling watching the interaction. 

Em finally placing her down "Where have you guys been?" he said but thought back to their ripped shirts and loose cloths he figured what went on and scrunched his face "Actually never mind I don't want to know" he said backing away they both laughed Rose made her way over and hugging Anna tightly "I'm glad you had fun you look happier less stressed" she said they both giggled "To be honest I do" I said they laughed again and entered the house Em and Rose in front and Anna and Jaz in the back once inside the rest of the family greeted them with warm welcome and hugs before they both decided to go to their rooms, both of them laid on their bed in each other arms as classical music played and there love growing deeper who would have thought that two lost souls would one day end up as one person coming together to lift each other up and love each other for Eternity.

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