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It's been 6 months! Carlisle said that me and Jasper should get married! Isn't that crazy so here I am today getting ready for my small wedding! I was in my room Alice and Rose were helping me get ready. Rose was doing my hair she put it in curls that fell down my back and the top part of my hair she braided it to lay on top of the curled hair. Alice was doing my makeup once Rose was done with my hair, she got the dress and I got up and put it on she zipped me up and told me to turn around.

 Alice was doing my makeup once Rose was done with my hair, she got the dress and I got up and put it on she zipped me up and told me to turn around

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Her dress

Her dress

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Her Hair

Her Make up!In the mirror I couldn't even recognize the girl in the mirror I placed my hand on it as my eyes filled with tears that would never fall

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Her Make up!
In the mirror I couldn't even recognize the girl in the mirror I placed my hand on it as my eyes filled with tears that would never fall. I saw Alice and Rose smiling at me before they both hugged me and left the room I stayed in the room as Carlisle entered it I turned to look at him and all he saw was pride, he came over and hugged me "I know I'm not your real father but I would be honored to walk you down the aisle" he said I pulled away from him and smiled "Yeah, I would love that Carlisle" I said we smiled at each other as he offered his arm for me to take and I did.

 We left the room and walked down the stairs gracefully we got out to the venue, and I saw a small gathering of people only our family and the Denali's my eye's scanned over everyone in their seats and saw my brother standing as Jasper brides' man I was happy he was in it. The person I was finally looking for was standing at the alter looking at me with shocked and happy tears. Carlisle and I made our way down the aisle to the front where Jasper was waiting for me it felt like it was only him and me in the room. 

He held his hand out as I placed mine in his taking my place by his side seemed normal like I was always supposed to be there. The priest said his words "We are gathered here today to celebrate one of life's greatest accomplishments, and to cherish the words which shall untie Mr. Jasper Hale and Mr. Anna McCarty in marriage.
Marriage is the promise between two people. Who love each other, and who trust in that love, who honor each other as individuals, and who choose to spend the rest of their lives together.
This ceremony will not create a relationship that does not already exist between you" he said as Jasper, and I turned towards each other as the priest continues "It is a symbol of how far you have come over these past few years. It is a symbol of the promises you will make to each other to continue to grow stronger as individuals and as partners" I stared into Jaspers eyes as he stared into mine with nothing but love "No matter what challenges you face, you now face them together, and no matter how much you succeed, you now succeeded together. The love between you joins you now as one." He finished "The bride and groom have a few words to share the groom will go first." " These are the hands of your best friend, young and strong and full of love, that hold yours on your wedding day. These are the hands that will work alongside yours as you build your future together. These hands will passionately love you and care for you throughout the years. 

These hands are thee hands that will hold you when fear or grief torments your mind" he said as tears were filling up in my eyes "With the slightest touch will comfort you like no other. These hands that will give you strength when you struggle, and support and encouragement to chase down your dreams. These are the hands that will, countless times wipe the tears from your eyes, tears of sorrow, and tears of joy. This hand will always reach for you no matter how far away you are, still giving you the same unspoken tenderness with just a touch, a touch from these hands." He said I wiped my tears that never fell."

The bride will now say a few words. "Love is awful. It's awful" I said everyone looked shocked at me saying that even Jasper " It's painful, it's frightening, it makes you doubt yourself, distance yourself from the other people in your life. It makes you selfish, it makes you creepy, makes you obsessed with your hair" everyone laughs including me "makes you cruel, makes you say and do things you thought you would never do. It's all anyone wants and its hell when you get there. So, it's no wonder it's something we don't want to do on our own, I don't want to do any of that on my own I want to do all of it with you forever because we have a lifetime" I told him we exchanged the rings "now with the power in me bless these two people as one you may kiss the bride" jasper not waiting anymore dips me and kisses me deeply.
I'm Mrs. Anna Whitlock-hale-Cullen and I am so happy.

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